Welcome to the January 2025 QI Evidence Update—
your go-to monthly summary of the latest quality improvement research, evidence, tools, and events—all from the past month and condensed into just 2 pages for easy reference.
What’s Inside?
A downloadable PDF and editable Word version of the update for easy sharing and customisation.
A searchable list of resources—just use the search bar at the top of the page.
Why Use This Update?
Save Time: Skip the hours of searching with a concise, expertly curated summary of the most relevant QI resources.
Stay Updated: Keep pace with emerging trends, evidence, and research in quality improvement.
Enhance Your Work: Use the latest evidence and research to inspire, inform, and strengthen your QI initiatives.
Feel free to customise and share this update, crediting andrea.gibbons@somersetft.nhs.uk and Somerset NHS FT.
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Editable version
Quality Improvement
NEW: 100 Voices! ✨Inspiring stories of Quality Improvement. Nominate your #QIHero by 14.2.25!
The feasibility of a novel national Quality Improvement programme for Tobacco Dependency Treatment Pathways in acute UK hospitals (Clinical Medicine, January 2025)
QI short report: Establishing the UHB Doctor Wellbeing Group as a model for sustainable change in improving resident doctor wellbeing (Future Healthcare Journal, December 2024)
Workforce redesign: A quality improvement project to develop and implement a bespoke instrument to match patients’ needs to skill mix in NHS Lothian (Health Policy Open, December 2024)
National State of Patient Safety 2024: Prioritising improvement efforts in a system under stress (Imperial College London, December 2024)
Streamlining Hope: How Lean Process Design Dramatically Cut Chemotherapy Wait Times (Lean Enterprise Institute, December 2024)
Creating the conditions for improvement and the leadership challenge – reflections from a chief executive officer (NHS England, December 2024)
Quality improvement in palliative care: A review of the ethics (Nursing Ethics, December 2024)
Improved Adherence to Lipid Screening in the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic: A Quality Improvement Project (Pediatric Quality and Safety, December 2024)
How improvement can help NHS productivity (The Health Foundation, December 2024)
Integrated care & strategy
Preventive and proactive care: research report (Local Government Association, December 2024)
System oversight: the view from ICB chairs and chief executives (NHS Confederation, Dec 2024)
Principles for assessing and managing risks across integrated care systems (NHS England, December 2024)
Briefing on the NHS productivity challenge (NHS Providers, December 2024)
How are trusts using health hubs to tackle health inequalities? (NHS Providers, December 2024)
Case study: Lancashire and South Cumbria Provider Collaborative – Shared Patient Tracking List (NHS Providers, December 2024)
How could Britain and the EU work together to improve health? (Nuffield Trust, December 2024)
A new dawn for the NHS: a manifesto for putting personalised care at the centre (Personalised Care Institute, December 2024)
Hospital of the future: a framing paper (Reform, December 2024)
Modern outpatient care: using resources to add value (Royal College of Physicians, December 2024)
Bridging the gap: a guide to making health inequalities a strategic priority for NHS leaders (Royal College of Physicians, December 2024)
Are intermediate care services stretched too thin? Insights from linked data in England, Scotland and Wales (The Health Foundation, December 2024)
Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme: Impact and learning report (The Health Innovation Network, December 2024)
Implementing a long-term plan for health: what can we learn from international examples? (The King's Fund, December 2024)
Patients & people
Waiting to be seen: Understanding the experience of waiting in hospital settings through a patient‐created digital story (Journal of Hospital Medicine, December 2024)
Patient Partner Perspectives: The Experience of Participating in a Co-Designed Virtual Reality Project (Journal of Patient Experience, December 2024)
Patient experience: are patients treated with respect and dignity? (Nuffield Trust, December 2024)
Patients’ overall experience of NHS and social care services (Nuffield Trust, December 2024)
Patient experience: do patients feel involved in decisions about their care? (Nuffield Trust, December 2024)
How does the public feel about health technologies and data? (The Health Foundation, December 2024)
Improving health equity for patients living with cancer and/or blood disorders (The Patients Association, December 2024)