This post contains all of the articles in the October 2024 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality Improvement
Integrating research evidence into virtual healthcare service programming: a quality improvement analysis of healthcare utilization and series of rapid umbrella reviews (BMC Digital Health, September 2024)
Improving delirium assessments in acute senior health: A quality improvement project for care of the older person (BMC Geriatrics, September 2024)
Exploring the use of social network analysis methods in process improvement within healthcare organizations: a scoping review (BMC Health Services Research, September 2024)
Learning experiences from an online QI fellowship programme during COVID-19 – a qualitative study (BMC Health Services Research, September 2024)
Toward a roadmap for sustainable lean adoption in hospitals: a Delphi study (BMC Health Services Research, September 2024)
Lean Six Sigma quality improvement approach to implement clinical practice guidelines for prescribing opiates for chronic pain in a primary care setting (BMJ Open Quality, September 2024)
Standardizing Multidisciplinary Case Conferences and Improving Communication Between Referring Physicians and Radiologists: A Quality Improvement Initiative (Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, September 2024)
Improvement in antibacterial use in intensive care units from Argentina: A quality improvement collaborative process evaluation using Normalization Process Theory (Infection, Disease and Heath, September 2024)
Swedish quality: a historical perspective and reflections for the future (International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, September 2024)
Enhancing Digital Health Awareness and mHealth Competencies in Medical Education: Proof-of-Concept Study and Summative Process Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Project (JMIR Medical Education, September 2024)
Changing practice in cystic fibrosis: Implementing objective medication adherence data at every consultation, a learning health system and quality improvement collaborative (Learning Health Systems, September 2024)
Podcast: Leading Improvement in Health and Care – Black Maternity Matters (NHS Confederation, September 2024)
Implementation of a Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative to Support Implementation of the 2016 CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain: Case Study from Nurse-Led Clinics (Pain Management Nursing, September 2024)
A Quality Improvement Project Aimed at Reducing Patient Falls in Ambulatory Clinics (Patient Safety, September 2024)
Patients & people
What does ‘safe care’ mean in the context of community-based mental health services? A qualitative exploration of the perspectives of service users, carers, and healthcare providers in England (BMC Health Services Research September 2024)
The wisdom of elders: a new patient experience survey for older patients could tell us how to fix our emergency departments for everyone (Emergency Medicine Journal, September 2024)
Patient and public involvement in healthcare: a systematic mapping review of systematic reviews – identification of current research and possible directions for future research (BMJ Open, September 2024)
Patients’ experiences with ‘sludge’ (administrative burden) in the cancer screening process and its relationship with screening completion, experience and health system distrust (Family Medicine and Community Health, September 2024)
Integrated care & strategy
Independent investigation of the National Health Service in England (Department of Health and Social Care, September 2024)
Strengthening clinical leadership and management: Lessons from our research in the UK and US (Health Foundation, September 2024)
AI in healthcare: navigating the noise (NHS Confederation, September 2024)
The state of integrated care systems 2023/24: tackling today while building for tomorrow (NHS Confederation, September 2024)
Just About Managing: The Role of Effective Management and Leadership in Improving NHS Performance and Productivity (Policy Exchange, September 2024)
The management mission: how better leaders improve public services (Social Market Foundation, September 2024)
The NHS is in ‘serious trouble’ and needs major reform – here are the pitfalls the government must avoid (The Conversation, September 2024)
Population health & prevention
The State of Health and Care of Older People in England 2024 (Age UK, September 2024)
How costing teams are helping to reduce health inequalities (HFMA, September 2024)
Our greatest asset: the final report of the IPPR Commission on Health and Prosperity (Institute for Public Policy Research, September 2024)
Improving our nation’s health: a whole-of-government approach to tackling the causes of long-term sickness and economic inactivity (NHS Confederation, September 2024)
What are the enablers for improving outcomes and reducing inequalities in maternal and neonatal care? (NHS Providers, September 2024)
Personalised prevention in England (The Health Foundation, September 2024)
Tackling health inequalities: seven priorities for the NHS (The Kings Fund, September 2024)