Cambridge Elements Series: Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare: (THIS Institute, 2024)
Briefing: Improvement as mainstream business: The strategic case (The Health Foundation, 2023)
A guide to making the case for improvement (The Health Foundation, 2023)
Quality Improvement made simple (The Health Foundation, 2021)
A guide to quality improvement tools (Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership, 2020)
An Illustrated Guide to Quality Improvement (Sonia Sparkles & ELFT, 2019)
The Improvement Journey (The Health Foundation, 2019)
Improving the quality of health services: tools and resources (World Health Organization, 2019)
Quality improvement in hospital trusts: sharing learning from trusts on a journey of QI (Care Quality Commission, 2018)
A simple guide to improving services (NHS Improvement, 2016)
Handbook of Service Improvement (NHS Institute for Improvement & Innovation, 2010)
Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools (NHS England)
Quality Improvement Tools (NES Scotland)
East London East London NHS FT QI site (links to lots of materials / resources)
Health Innovation West of England Quality Improvement Library
An illustrated introduction to QI by Kent Community Health NHS FT
How improvement can help NHS productivity (The Health Foundation, 2024)
A scoping review of continuous quality improvement in healthcare system: conceptualization, models and tools, barriers and facilitators, and impact (BMC Health Services Research, 2024)
Leading change across a healthcare system: How to build improvement capability and foster a culture of continuous improvement - Lessons from an evaluation of the NHS-VMI Partnership (University of Warwick, 2022)
Determining the skills needed by frontline NHS staff to deliver quality improvement: findings from six case studies (BMJ Quality & Safety, 2021)
Update from RCP Quality Improvement: Improving improvement through practice, learning and research (Dean J., Future Healthcare Journal, 2020)
How and under what circumstances do quality improvement collaboratives lead to better outcomes? A systematic review (Implementation Science, 2020)
How to improve healthcare improvement—an essay by Mary Dixon-Woods (Dixon-Woods M., BMJ, 2019)
How to get started in quality improvement (BMJ, 2019)
Quality improvement in hospital trusts: Sharing learning from trusts on a journey of QI (Care Quality Commission. 2018)
Does quality improvement improve quality? (Dixon-Woods, M. and Martin, G.P., Future Hospital Journal, 2016)
How to Begin a Quality Improvement Project (Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2016)
The problem with plan-do-study-act cycles (Reed, J.E. and Card, A.J., BMJ Quality & Safety, 2016)
Systematic review of the application of the plan–do–study–act method to improve quality in healthcare (Taylor M.J., McNicholas C., Nicolay C et al., BMJ Quality & Safety, 2014)
Monthly Quality Improvement Evidence Update