This post contains all of the articles in the September 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Learning from patient safety incidents involving acutely sick adults in hospital assessment units in England and Wales: a mixed methods analysis for quality improvement (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, August 2021)
Reporting standards, outcomes and costs of quality improvement studies in Ireland: a scoping review (BMJ Open Quality, August 2021)
Can pizza lead to sustainable quality improvement in the NHS? (NHS Providers, August 2021)
Shaping the Transition to Whole System Quality: Examples from the Field (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, August 2021)
Joy in Work Results-Oriented Learning Network Case Study: NorthShore University HealthSystem (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, August 2021)
The presence and potential impact of psychological safety in the healthcare setting: an evidence synthesis (BMC Health Services Research, August 2021)
Approaches to Measure Efficiency in Primary Care: A Systematic Literature Review (Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, August 2021)
32 Business Process Improvement Examples to Guide Your Efforts (KaiNexus, August 2021)
Patient Involvement
Inclusive language in health and care: why the words we use matter (The Kings Fund, August 2021)
Co-creation of practical “how-to guides” for patient engagement in key phases of medicines development—from theory to implementation (Research Involvement and Engagement, August 2021)
A first-hand experience of co-design in mental health service design: Opportunities, challenges, and lessons (August 2021)
Integrated Care Systems: Guidance (NHS England, August 2020)
Guidance on the functions and governance of the integrated care board, and the model constitution (NHS Providers, August 2021)
It’s not just about the front door of the hospital: lessons from the medical generalism in smaller hospitals study (The Nuffield Trust, August 2021)
Ambitions for change: Improving healthcare in care homes (The British Geriatrics Society, August 2021)
Waiting times for elective (non-urgent) treatment: referral to treatment (RTT) (The Kings Fund, August 2021)
Could NHS waiting lists really reach 13 million? (Institute for Fiscal Studies, August 2021)
Right time, right place: Urgent community-based care for older people (British Geriatrics Society, August 2021)
A system approach to the demand crunch (NHS Confederation, August 2021)
Social care funding: complex but not impossible (The Nuffield Trust, August 2021)
Untapped? Understanding the mental health clinical support workforce (The Nuffield Trust, August 2021)
The mental health workforce: challenges facing the NHS (The Nuffield Trust, August 2021)
Five things we learnt from our work on the health and wellbeing of lower paid NHS staff (The Health Foundation, August 2021)
Wizards of Oz? What the UK can learn from Australia’s healthcare system (Institute of Economic Affairs, August 2021)
Mirror, mirror 2021: Reflecting Poorly: Health Care in the U.S. compared to Other High-Income Countries (Commonwealth Fund, August 2021)
The role of the ambulance sector in transforming services and coping with the long-term impact of Covid-19 (NHS Providers, August 2021)
Caring for hospital patients with COVID-19 Quality of care in England examined by case record review (Royal College of Physicians, August 2021)
Transformations in the landscape of primary health care during Covid-19: themes from the European region (Health Policy, August 2021)
Waiting for care: understanding the pandemic’s effects on people’s health and quality of life (The Health Foundation, August 2021)
The pandemic transformed how social care was delivered – and these changes could be here to stay (The Conversation, August 2021)
Responding to the needs of a diverse workforce and community during COVID-19 (NHS Employers, August 2021)
Long Covid – The illness narratives (Social Science & Medicine, August 2021)
What Good Looks Like framework (NHSX, August 2021)
Who Pays for What proposals (NHSX, August 2021)
Royal Berkshire extends avatar-led interactive programme following pilot (Digital Health, August 2021)
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Babylon partner to deliver digital-first services (Health Tech Newspaper, August 2021)
Will an uptake in digital health services have implications on inequalities? (Digital Health, August 2021)
YouTube to add new features that help the public identify credible, trusted health information (Health Tech Newspaper, August 2021)
Digital health is a vital tool: here’s how we can make it more sustainable (The Conversation, August 2021)