This post contains all of the articles in the September 2020 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Our top 3 reads
How a pandemic makes QI more relevant than ever (but also a little tricky) (Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, August 2020)
Making Ideas Stick (Institute of Healthcare Managers, Sept 2020)
Making Ideas Stick (Institute of Healthcare Managers, Sept 2020)
Exploring psychological safety in healthcare teams to inform the development of interventions: combining observational, survey and interview data (BMC Health Services Research, August 2020)
How a pandemic makes QI more relevant than ever (but also a little tricky) (Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, August 2020)
QI Coaching Graphic (Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust, August 2020)
How to design, implement and evaluate organizational interventions for maximum impact: the Sigtuna Principles (European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, August 2020)
Bringing an improvement mindset to COVID-19 (The Health Foundation, July 2020)
A Guide to Patient Safety Improvement: Integrating Knowledge Translation & Quality Improvement Approaches (Canadian Patient Safety Institute, 2020)
You're Right! You Are Working Longer and Attending More Meetings (HBS, Sept, 2020)
The Health Foundation COVID-19 Survey second poll: A report of survey findings (Ipsos MORI, Sept 2020)
Health and Social Care Learning System Findings and insights: understanding health and social care responses to COVID-19 and related public health measures (Healthcare Improvement Scotland. August 2020)
Specialty remobilisation, recovery and redesign toolkit: Restarting routine planned care whilst living with COVID-19 (NHS Tayside, August 2020)
Nursing leadership during COVID-19: Enhancing patient, family and workforce experience (Patient Experience Journal, 2020, August 2020)
Virtual Whose Shoes: Keeping the conversations alive during the pandemic to build the future of health and social care (Whose Shoes, August 2020)
Lean, Light and Agile: Governance and regulation in the aftermath Of Covid-19 (NHS Confederation, August 2020)
A new relationship between the NHS, people and communities learning from Covid-19 (NHS Confederation, August 2020)
COVID-19 and the female health and care workforce. Survey of health and care staff for the Health and Care (NHS Confederation, August 2020)
How to do ‘learning’ in practice (The Kings Fund, August 2020)
Innovation and leadership post-COVID: 5 things your teams want from you (The Health Foundation, August 2020)
Hospital discharge and preventing unnecessary hospital admissions (COVID-19) (Social Care Institute for Excellence, August 2020)
COVID-19 Insights: Impact on workforce skills (Skills for Health, August 2020)
Patient Experience
Care during covid-19 must be humane and person centred (BMJ, Sept 2020)
A COVID-19 patient’s experience: Engagement in disease management, interactions with care teams and implications on health policies and managerial practices (Patient Experience Journal, August 2020)
The impact of Covid-19 on the use of digital technology in the NHS (Nuffield Trust, August 2020)
Technology and innovation for long-term health conditions (The Kings Fund, August 2020)
Building the evidence base on video consultations Three priorities for further research (The Health Foundation, August 2020)
Leveraging Implementation Science to Understand Factors Influencing Sustained Use of Mental Health Apps: a Narrative Review (Journal of Technology in Behavioral, August 2020)
The Doctor Will Zoom You Now: getting the most out of the virtual health and care experience. Insight report. Key findings from research June-July 2020 (Healthwatch England, National Voices, Traverse, PPL, July 2020)
Working remotely
How To Increase Psychological Safety In A Virtual Team (Forbes, Sept 2020)
The Secret to Success for Remote Teams? ‘Asynchronous’ Work (The Startup, Sept 2020)
How to (Actually) Save Time When You’re Working Remotely (HBR, August 2020)