This post contains all of the articles in the September 2019 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
A mixed-methods study of challenges experienced by clinical teams in measuring improvement (BMJ Quality & Safety, August 2019)
Promoting a sense of security in everyday life - A case study of patients and professionals moving towards co‐production in an atrial fibrillation “learning café” (Health Expectations, August 2019)
Introducing a reserve waiting list initiative for elective general surgery at a District General Hospital (BMJ Open Quality, August 2019)
Spread tools: a systematic review of components, uptake, and effectiveness of quality improvement toolkits (Implementation Science, August 2019)
Medicines project delivers £11 million savings (Cheshire & Merseyside Health & Care Partnership, August 2019)
10 Facts on Patient Safety (The World Health Organisation, Updated August 2019)
Patient Experience & Engagement
The experience of patients and family caregivers during hospital-at-home in France, (BMC Health Services Research, July 2019)
How doctors in senior leadership roles establish and maintain a positive patient-centred culture (GMC, August 2019)
Physician associates appear to make a positive contribution to inpatient care (NIHR Signal, August 2019)
Using the Friends and Family Test to improve patient experience (NHSE/NHSI, September 2019)
Coproduction: when users define quality (BMJ Quality & Safety, August 2019)
A mixed‐methods exploration of non‐attendance at diabetes appointments using peer researchers (Health Expectations, August 2019)
Patient Experience in England (Patient Experience Library, September 2019)
Taxonomy of the Patient Voice (NEJM Catalyst, September 2019)
Efficiency & Planning
Building healthier communities: the role of the NHS as an anchor institution (The Health Foundation, August 2019)
The number of hospital beds, part of The NHS in a nutshell (Kings Fund, September 2019)
Correlation between hospital finances and quality and safety of patient care (PLoS ONE, August 2019)
How does UK healthcare spending compare with other countries? (ONS, August 2019)
Which health care jobs are the most likely to be affected by automation? (The Health Foundation, August 2019)
Reducing long stays: Where best next campaign (NHSE/NHSI, August 2019)
Integrated Care Case Studies (NHSE, September 2019)
Government outsourcing, What has worked and what needs reform? (Institute for Government, September 2019)
Achieving Integrated Care: 15 best practice actions (Local Government Association & Social Care Institute for Excellence, September 2019)
Virtual reality can help reduce the pain and anxiety of stressful medical procedures for children (NIHR Signal, August 2019)
Message-based consultation app Docly registers with CQC (Digital Health, August 2019)
Mobile phones are being used to fight Alzheimer’s disease (Health Tech Digital, August 2019)
Boots to launch in-store video GP service with LIVI (Digital Health, September 2019)
Southwark Council to launch digital health checks (UK Authority, September 2019)
One in four Scots unwilling to use digital means for health consultations (Public Technology, September 2019)
How online triage is transforming access to NHS GPs in east London (Public Technology, September 2019)
NHS Users Prefer Talking To AI Virtual Assistants Instead Of Humans (Forbes, September 2019)
7 New NHS “Data Hubs” Launched: Will Analyse Real-Time Medical Data (Computer Business Review, September 2019)
O2 and Samsung to work on 5G connected ambulances for NHS (The Telegraph, September 2019)
Trial of Stroke Rehabilitation App Launches (Imperial College London, September 2019)
Just what the doctor ordered: The tech that is freeing NHS staff from pagers, landlines and WhatsApp (City AM, September 2019) and Messaging app could save NHS £44 million annually, says study (Pharmaphorum, September 2019)
Innovate! The policymakers' board game (FREE GAME: Nesta, August 2019 )
Five reasons we secretly love meetings (The Guardian, August 2019)
Homage to Catalonia? Reflections from a recent visit (Nuffield Trust, August 2019)
To Address Gaps in Care, Map the Process Together (IHI, August 2019)
NHS admin: how does it affect patient experience? (Kings Fund, September 2019)