This post contains all of the articles in the October 2020 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Our top 3 reads
Nursing and Midwifery COVID-19 Catalogue of Change(NHSE, October 2020 & ongoing)
Skills for collaborative change - tool (Q Community, Sept 2020)
Nursing and Midwifery COVID-19 Catalogue of Change – Learning Case Studies (NHSE, Oct 2020 & ongoing)
FUN process mapping video: making a jam sandwich! (Miss Reeves, Oct 2020)
Adopting innovation: investing in skills at the NHS front line (The Health Foundation, Oct 2020)
What influences improvement processes in healthcare? A rapid evidence review (RAND Corporation, Sept 2020)
Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT): executive summary (Public Health England, Sept 2020)
Make Your Data Insights Visually Consumable (MIT Sloan, Oct 2020)
How are people’s mental health needs met in acute hospitals, and how can this be improved? (CQC, Oct 2020)
Skills for collaborative change - tool (Q Community, Sept 2020)
What influences improvement processes in healthcare? (RAND, Sept 2020)
Teams of healthcare professionals from a wide range of disciplines and pay grades are most effective at delivering improvements in patients’ experiences (NIHR, Sept 2020)
Six problem-solving mindsets for very uncertain times (McKinsey Quarterly, Sept 2020)
Top-down clarity, bottom-up agency: fading freedoms or here to stay? (The Health Foundation, Sept 2020)
Competencies to promote collaboration between primary and secondary care doctors: an integrative review (BMC Family Practice, Sept 2020)
Hospital admissions after vertical integration of general practices with an acute hospital: a retrospective synthetic matched controlled database study (British Journal of General Practice, Sept 2020)
Providers deliver: resilient and resourceful through Covid-19 (NHS Providers, Oct 2020)
John Oldham: No turning back from service redesigns in light of Covid-19 (BMJ Opinion, Oct 2020)
The Great Covid-Driven Teamwork Divide (INSEAD Knowledge, Oct 2020)
Delivering core NHS and care services during the pandemic and beyond (Health and Social Care Select Committee, Oct 2020)
Stories of the COVID crisis (IHI, Oct 2020)
Project reset in emergency medicine: Patient FIRST (CQC, Oct 2020)
Covid-19 and the health and care workforce: supporting our greatest asset (NHS Confederation, Sept 2020)
Understanding and sustaining the health care service shifts accelerated by COVID-19 (The Health Foundation, Sept 2020)
AHSN Network Digital & AI Reset Report Lessons and legacy from the COVID-19 pandemic in health and care (AHSN Network, Sept 2020)
Pandemic patient experience: UK patient experience of health, care and other support during the Covid-19 pandemic (The Patient Association, Sept 2020)
Lessons learnt from easing COVID-19 restrictions: an analysis of countries and regions in Asia Pacific and Europe (The Lancet, Sept 2020)
London Covid-19 Deliberation: REPORT – insights and expectations from a deliberation with Londoners (Imperial Health Care Partners & IPSOS MORI, Sept 2020)
Patient Experience
Development, implementation and evaluation of an online course on evidence-based healthcare for consumers (BMC Health Services Research, Oct 2020)
The courage of compassion: Supporting nurses and midwives to deliver high-quality care (The Kings Fund, Sept 2020)
Care during covid-19 must be humane and person centred (BMJ, Sept 2020)
State of the NHS
The bigger picture: learning from 2 decades of changing NHS care in England (The Health Foundation, Oct 2020)
NHS workforce - Part of The NHS in a nutshell (The Kings Fund, Oct 2020)
The state of health care and adult social care in England 2019/20 (CQC, Oct 2020)
The next generation of NHS innovation- embracing the digital revolution (NHS Digital, Oct 2020)
To Build More-Inclusive Technology, Change Your Design Process (Harvard Business Review, Oct 2020)
‘Excel-gate’ highlights need for ‘quality technical capability’ in NHS (Digital Health, Oct 2020)
UK hospitals launch iPhone app for medical records (Healthcare, Oct 2020)
An uncomfortable truth: digital isn’t perfect, but neither is face-to-face (The Kings Fund, Sept 2020)
Digital tech has health benefits for dementia patients, project finds (PharmaTimes, Sept 2020)
Digital and face-to-face consultations: finding the right balance (Nuffield Trust, Sept 2020)
A systematic scoping review of change management practices used for telemedicine service implementations (BMC Health Services Research, Sept 2020)
Connecting Services, Transforming Lives: The Benefits of Technology Enabled Care Services (Public Policy Institute & Tunstall Healthcare, Sept 2020)
An uncomfortable truth: digital isn’t perfect, but neither is face-to-face (King’s Fund, Sept 2020)