This post contains all of the articles in the October 2019 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Course Corrections: How Health Care Innovators Learn from Setbacks to Achieve Success (Commonwealth Fund, September 2019)
Re-energising the way we manage change in healthcare: the case for soft systems methodology and its application to evidence-based practices (BMC Health Services Research, September 2019)
Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme, Annual Report 2018-19 (PQIP, September 2019)
Can quality improvement improve the quality of care? A systematic review of reported effects and methodological rigor in plan-do-study-act projects (BMC Health Services Research, October 2019)
How to improve healthcare improvement - an essay by Mary Dixon-Woods (BMJ, October 2019)
Better care for patients and service users (NHS Providers, October 2019)
How putting NHS staff first is making hospitals better (The Guardian, October 2019)
Transforming care through technology: A toolkit for new models of outpatient care (The Shelford Group, September 2019)
Text message reminders increase attendance at NHS health checks (NIHR Signal, September 2019)
What HCPs think about online consultation (Pharmaphorum, September 2019)
What the NHS can learn from global healthcare tech (Raconteur, September 2019)
How New Health Care Platforms Will Improve Patient Care (Harvard Business Review, October 2019)
World’s First 5G Tele-Examination of an Eye (NHS Forth Valley, October 2019)
Thoughtonomy launches shared marketplace for NHS automation (Digital Health, October 2019)
Video Consultations offer more choice and flexibility to patients in Cumbria (Health Tech Digital, October 2019)
Over 300,000 service users treated through digital NHS therapy (Digital Health, October 2019)
NHS Vale of York rolls out predictive analytics to cut A&E admissions (Digital Health, October 2019)
Patient Experience & Engagement
Organisational strategies and practices to improve care using patient experience data in acute NHS hospital trusts: an ethnographic study (NIHR, September 2019)
What We Can Learn from Orwell's Rules for Great Writing for Effective Communication with Patients (NHS Horizons, September 2019)
There and back. What people tell us about their experiences of travelling to and from NHS services (Healthwatch, October 2019)
Efficiency & Planning
Strengthening health systems through nursing: Evidence from 14 European countries (ebook, Local Government Association & Social Care Institute for Excellence, September 2019)
Caring, supportive, collaborative: a future vision for the NHS (BMA, September 2019)
Elective care: Indicator update (QualityWatch, September 2019)
The state of the NHS provider sector (NHS Providers, October 2019)
The politics of health: what do the public think about the NHS? (The Kings Fund, October 2019)
Is it becoming winter all year round for the NHS? (Nuffield Trust, October 2019)
A consensus on healthy ageing (Public Health England & Centre for Ageing Better, October 2019)
Departmental Overview: Department of Health and Social Care 2019 (National Audit Office, October 2019)
The state of health care and adult social care in England 2018/19 (CQC, October 2019)
Adding the sparkle to change programmes (NHS England, September 2019)
Going Dutch in West Suffolk: learning from the Buurtzorg model of care (The Kings Fund, September 2019)
Quality Improvement is best done by health staff, not academics, writes John Lister (The Lowdown, October 2019)