This post contains all of the articles in the November 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Improvement – Articles (ordered alphabetically by journal title)
Fidelity and the impact of patient safety huddles on teamwork and safety culture: an evaluation of the Huddle Up for Safer Healthcare (HUSH) project (BMC Health Services Research, October 2021)
Improving mental health care transitions through information capture during admission to inpatient mental health services: a quality improvement study (BMC Health Services Research, October 2021)
A decade of commitment to hospital quality of care: overview of and perceptions on multicomponent quality improvement policies involving accreditation, public reporting, inspection and pay-for-performance (BMC Health Services Research, September 2021)
To improve quality, leverage design (BMJ Quality & Safety, September 2021)
Flip the Triangle: using quality improvement methods to embed a positive behaviour support approach on a medium secure forensic ward for men with intellectual disabilities (BMJ Open Quality, October 2021)
Harnessing the full potential of hospital-based data to support surgical quality improvement (BMJ Open Quality, October 2021)
Effectiveness of customised safety intervention programmes to increase the safety culture of hospital staff (BMJ Open Quality, September 2021)
Improving hospital flow 'Ensiab Project' (BMJ Open Quality, September 2021)
Are quality improvement plans perceived to improve the quality of primary care in Ontario? (Canadian Family Physician, October 2021)
Development, characteristics and impact of quality improvement casebooks: a scoping review (Health Research Policy and Systems, September 2021)
A novel conceptual approach to lean: Value, psychological conditions for engagement with work and perceived organisational support in hospital care (International Journal for Quality in Health Care, October 2021)
Improving Quality in Primary Care: A Model for Change (International Journal of Business and Management Research, September 2021)
Use of Lean Healthcare to Improve Hospital Throughput and Reduce LOS (Pediatric Quality & Safety, September 2021)
A hospital-based mixed-methods observational study to evaluate a hip and knee replacement quality improvement project (The TQM Journal, September 2021)
Improvement – Other resources
Agility: the missing ingredient for NHS productivity (The Health Foundation, October 2021)
Leveraging technology to support mentorship and coaching (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, October 2021)
Putting patient flow to the test during times of uncertainty (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, October 2021)
Berwick Looks Back: IHI Ideas and Innovations (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, October 2021)
What every board member needs to know about improvement and quality assurance (Good Governance Institute and Perfect Ward, September 2021)
Spread and adoption (NHS Horizons, September 2021)
Patient Involvement
Listening to the Patient Voice and Learning from the Patient Experience (ASA Monitor, October 2021)
Improving transparent team communication with the 'Glass Door' decal communication tool: a mixed methods analysis of family and staff perspectives (BMJ Open Quality, September 2021)
A Patient-Centered Design Thinking Workshop to Improve Patient-Provider Communication in Cardiovascular Medicine (Journal of Patient Experience, October 2021)
Helping the Measurement of Patient Experience Catch Up with the Experience Itself (Journal of Patient Experience, October 2021)
Can You Hear Me Now? Effects of Patient-Centered Communication With Young Adults Aged 26 to 39 (Journal of Patient Experience, September 2021)
Patient experience from the vantage point of a hospitalized patient safety expert: a personal commentary (Patient Safety in Surgery, October 2021)
Integrated Care
Better together: a public health model for mentally healthier integrated care systems (Centre for Mental Health, October 2021)
Integrated care partnership engagement document: integrated care system implementation (Department of Health and Social Care, September 2021)
Solving the puzzle: delivering on the promise of integration in health and care (Institute for Public Policy Research, September 2021)
Non-executive directors and integrated care systems: what good looks like (NHS Confederation, September 2021)
Integrated care: our position (The Kings Fund, October 2021)
Integrated care systems: how will they work under the Health and Care Bill? (The Kings Fund, October 2021)
The value of investing in social care (The Kings Fund, October 2021)
The impact of hospital accreditation on the quality of healthcare: a systematic literature review (BMC Health Services Research, October 2021)
State of care 2020/2021 (Care Quality Commission, October 2021)
The disease of disparity: a blueprint to make progress on health inequalities in England (Institute for Public Policy Research, October 2021)
Building frontiers (National Association of Primary Care, October 2021)
Making better use of voluntary sector data and intelligence in health service planning (NAVCA, September 2021)
Evolving regulation and oversight in a systems world (NHS Providers, October 2021)
Five key principles for regulation and oversight in systems world: the direction of travel (NHS Providers, October 2021)
Injustice? Towards a better understanding of health care access challenges for prisoners (Nuffield Trust, October 2021)
The new GP plan is much better than the headlines suggest- but it’s only the beginning (Nuffield Trust, October 2021)
COP26 Special Report: the health argument for climate action (WHO, October 2021)
What has been the impact of Covid-19 across the UK countries? (Nuffield Trust, October 2021)
Coronavirus: lessons learned to date (The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee and Health and Social Care Committee, September 2021)
Directors of public health and the Covid-19 pandemic: ‘A year like no other’ (The Kings Fund, September 2021)
Virtual phone clinics in orthopaedics: evaluation of clinical application and sustainability (BMJ Open Quality, October 2021)
Patient perspective: Lessons doctors can learn from coaches and athletes to improve patient outcomes using digital technologies (Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, October 2021)
Expanding Video Consultation Services at Pace and Scale in Scotland During the COVID-19 Pandemic: National Mixed Methods Case Study (Journal of Medical Internet Research, October 2021)
Digital Clinical Safety Strategy (NHSX, September 2021)
6 practical lessons for implementing technology in domiciliary care: learning for commissioners and policy makers (Nuffield Trust, September 2021)
How to put users at the heart of digital transformation (Raconteur, October 2021)