This post contains all of the articles in the May 2022 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
How medical students drive ambulatory care quality improvement (AMA, April 2022)
Factors influencing measurement for improvement skills in healthcare staff: trainee, and trainer perspectives (BMC Medical Education, April 2022)
Indicators for implementation outcome monitoring of reporting and learning systems in hospitals: an underestimated need for patient safety (BMJ Open Quality, April 2022)
Instruments for measuring patient safety competencies in nursing: a scoping review (BMJ Open Quality, April 2022)
The problem with making Safety-II work in healthcare (BMJ Quality & Safety, April 2022)
How PDSA testing helped the Early Years Speech and Language Therapy team decide to implement text message reminders (ELFT, April 2022)
Improving the experience of New Starters trust-wide (ELFT, April 2022)
Improving Flow: Addressing the Complexities of Emergency Department Overcrowding - Blog (IHI, April 2022)
Weaving Equity into Every Step of Performance Improvement – Blog (IHI, April 2022)
A scoping review of the use of quality improvement methods by community organizations in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada to improve health and well-being in community settings (IJQHC Communications, April 2022)
Psychological Safety Unlocks the Potential of Diverse Teams (Insead Knowledge, April 2022)
Do national policies for complaint handling in English hospitals support quality improvement? Lessons from a case study (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, April 2022)
Patient Involvement
Patient and family involvement in Choosing Wisely initiatives: a mixed methods study (BMC Health Services Research, April 2022)
Codesigning a patient support portal with health professionals and men with prostate cancer: An action research study (Health Expectations, April 2022)
Similar values, different expectations: How do patients and providers view ‘health’ and perceive the healthcare experience? (Health Expectations, April 2022)
Co-production practice and future research priorities in United Kingdom-funded applied health research: a scoping review (Health Research Policy and Systems, April 2022)
The patient as a prosumer of healthcare: insights from a bibliometric-interpretive review (Journal of Health Organization and Management, April 2022)
The Impact of Health Professionals’ Language on Patient Experience: A Case Study (Journal of Patient Experience, April 2022)
Hidden in plain sight? Identifying patient-authored publications (Research Involvement & Engagement, April 2022)
Integrated Care
Identifying and understanding the factors that influence the functioning of integrated healthcare systems in the NHS: a systematic literature review (BMJ Open, April 2022)
Commitment and growth: advancing mental health nursing now and for the future (Health Education England, April 2022)
Local health systems: relationships not structures (Local Government Information Unit, April 2022)
Integration and innovation in action: provider collaboration (NHS Confederation, April 2022)
Emergency care in hospitals is as good at the weekend as on weekdays (NIHR, April 2022)
Adult social care: why it has even lower public satisfaction than the NHS (The Kings Fund, April 2022)
Provider collaboratives: explaining their role in system working (The Kings Fund, April 2022)
Back and Forth on Sustainable Development: A Focus on Healthcare Organisations (Sustainability, April 2022)
NHS hospitals are publishing their plans to achieve net zero: here’s what it will actually take to get there (The Conversation, April 2022)
Approaches to projecting future healthcare demand (Centre for Health Economics, April 2022)
Better, broader, safer: using health data for research and analysis (Department of Health and Social Care, April 2022)
A window of opportunity: Delivering prevention in an ageing world (International Longevity Centre UK, April 2022)
What next for NHS management? (NHS Confederation, April 2022)
Faster diagnosis of frailty in seniors aging at home is key to helping them stay independent (The Conversation, April 2022)
Five relationships that are essential to successfully managing the elective backlog (blog) (The Kings Fund, April 2022)
A Framework for Designing Excellent Virtual Health Care (Harvard Business Review, April 2022)
Making a difference with digital technologies: identifying and evaluating benefits (Healthcare Financial Management Association, April 2022)
The public’s experience of monitoring their blood pressure at home (Healthwatch, April 2022)
Telemedicine Can't Get Safer Without Bridging the “Digital Divide” (IHI, April 2022)
Smart apps for self-reporting clinical information (The Lancet, April 2022)
Landmark New Clinical Trial Shows Benefits of Automated Virtual Reality (VR) Treatment for Severe Psychological Problems (University of Oxford, April 2022)