This post contains all of the articles in the May 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality Improvement Made Simple (The Health Foundation, April 2021)
Process mapping in healthcare: a systematic review (BMC Health Services Research, April 2021)
Approach to authorship for quality improvement and implementation research (BMJ Quality & Safety, April 2021)
Testing Pediatric Emergency Telemedicine Implementation Strategies Using Quality Improvement Methods (Telemedicine and e-Health, April 2021)
Implementation of a Rapid Post-Code Debrief Quality Improvement Project in a Community Emergency Department Setting (SMRJ, April 2021)
Project Console: a quality improvement initiative for neonatal abstinence syndrome in a children’s hospital level IV neonatal intensive care unit (BMJ Open Quality, April 2021)
Service and staff recovery: how can improvement help? (Q Community, April 2021)
COVID-19 & Strategy
Assessing England’s response to Covid-19: a framework (The Kings Fund, April 2021)
Longer waits, missing patients and catching up: How is elective care in England coping with the continuing impact of COVID-19? (The Health Foundation, April 2021)
Integrated care systems explained: making sense of the new NHS structure (NHS Providers, April 2021)
What is happening to life expectancy in England? (The Kings Fund, April 2021)
The road to renewal: five priorities for health and care (The Kings Fund, April 2021)
Developing place-based partnerships: The foundation of effective integrated care systems (The Kings Fund, April 2021)
Remote care for mental health: qualitative study with service users, carers and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic (BMJ Open, April 2021)
Grass-roots junior doctor communication network in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: a service evaluation (BMJ Open Quality, April 2021)
Leveraging community partnerships to navigate COVID-19 (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, April 2021)
Patient Involvement
Beyond the Survey: Engaging Patients and Communities as Partners (The Commonwealth Fund, April 2021)
Pandemic patient experience II: from lockdown to vaccine roll-out (The Patients Association, April 2021)
Person-specific outcome measure (PSO) for use in primary and community care (BMJ Open Quality, April 2021)
Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study (Research Involvement and Engagement, April 2021)
Shaping the future of digital technology in health and social care (The Kings Fund, April 2021)
Delivering prevention in an ageing world - Using technology effectively (International Longevity Centre, April 2021)
NHS COVID-19 app: early adopter evaluation report (Department of Health & Social Care, April 2021)
The Covid-19 vaccine rollout: an opportunity to bring digital health and care into the community (The Kings Fund, April 2021)
East Sussex Healthcare starts journey to refresh 5-year digital strategy (Health Tech Newspaper, April 2021)
Helping patients manage multiple conditions in one place (Health Tech Digital, April 2021)
Partnerships to create technologies of the future (UK Research and Innovation, April 2021)
MedTech and the backlog: a surge of new acute patients? (MedTech News, April 2021)
Wellbeing & Virtual Working
Lockdown mental fatigue rapidly reversed by social contact, study finds (The Conversation, April 2021)
In Their Own Words: What do Healthcare Workers Want from Their Organization during the COVID-19 Pandemic? (Healthcare Quarterly, April 2021)
Tips for measuring joy in work (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, April 2021)
Developing an evidence-based approach to support the mental health of health care professionals (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, April 2021)
Remote working: why some people are less productive at home than others – new research (The Conversation, April 2021)
Grief, loss, burnout: Navigating a new emotional landscape at work (McKinsey, April 2021)
Quality or quantity? Mind’s report on remote therapy asks questions about standards of care (Mental Health Today, April 2021)