This post contains all of the articles in the March 2019 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Knowledge of Improvement methods and how to use them at all levels (NHS Improvement, Feb 2019)
Using Data for Improvement (BMJ and the Health Foundation, Feb 2019)
Explaining organisational responses to a board level quality improvement intervention: findings from an evaluation in six providers in the NHS (BMJ Quality & Safety, Feb 2019)
Harveian Oration 2018: Improving quality and safety in healthcare (Royal College of Physicians, Clin Med, Jan 2019) or watch it here
The Answer to culture change: everyday management tactics (NEJM Catalyst, Mar 2019)
Introduction of an electronic weekend handover system at a London university teaching hospital (Future Healthcare Journal 2018 Vol 5, No 3: 224–8)
Patient Experience and Engagement
Every patient should be enabled to stop the line (BMJ Quality & Safety, Feb 2019)
What’s the problem with patient experience feedback? A macro and micro understanding, based on findings from a three-site UK qualitative study (Health Expectations Journal, Feb 2019)
Patient engagement from both sides of the bed (NEJM Catalyst, Dec 2018)
The Proudest day of Grace’s life was graduating as a doctor. Then she began treating patients – Illustrated story. (Guardian, Jan 2019)
Patient engagement survey: health care has a lot to learn from consumer-friendly industries (NEJM Catalyst, Jan 2019)
There’s a ‘pub’ on a hospital dementia ward so the men can still meet for a pint ‘after work’ (Wales Online, Feb 2019)
Nurse work environments linked to outcomes (Science Daily, Mar 2019)
The Topol Review: Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future (HEE, Feb 2019)
Royal Liverpool NHS and Liverpool 5G launches ‘Livernerds Lab’ to test latest digital technologies (DigitalHealth, Mar 2019)
NHS video consultation system set to be rolled out across Lincolnshire (Lincolnshire Live, Mar 2019)
The ATMs transforming healthcare in South Africa (BBC, Mar 2019)
UPS uses drones to deliver medical samples (Healthcare IT News, Mar 2019)
New Models of Care
Bridging the gap: person centred, place-based self-management support (Future Healthcare Journal 2018 Vol 5, No 3: 188–91)
Enhanced data sharing and continuity of care in Denmark (Health Europa, April 2019)
Extraordinary virtual multidisciplinary team meetings – a novel forum for the coordinated care of patients with complex conditions within a secondary care setting (Future Healthcare Journal 2018 Vol 5, No 3: 218–23)
Helping hospital patients to get home (CAN DO Health & Care, Feb 2019)
Nobody wants a waiting room (NEJM Catalyst, Feb 2019)
Surrey Heartlands Care Home Advice Line - Video (NHS Surrey Heartlands, Jan 2019)
Efficiency and Planning
NHS Long term plan (NHS, Jan 2019)
The NHS long-term plan explained (The Kings Fund, Jan 2019)
Public satisfaction with the NHS and social care in 2018: Results from the British Social Attitudes survey (Nuffield Trust & The King’s Fund, Mar 2019)
Guide to reducing long hospital stays (NHS Improvement, Mar 2019)
Outcomes for mental health services. What really matters? (The Kings Fund, March 2019)
What does improving population health really mean? (The Kings Fund, March 2019)