This post contains all of the articles in the June 2024 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality Improvement
A systematic review of workplace triggers of emotions in the healthcare environment, the emotions experienced, and the impact on patient safety (BMC Health Services Research, May 2024)
Care First-Fund Later (CareFFuL): an end-of-life home care quality improvement project (BMJ Open Quality, May 2024)
Enhancing capability for continuous organisational improvement and learning in healthcare organisations: a systematic review of the literature 2013–2022 (BMJ Open Quality, Apr 2024)
Fixing patient safety: Are we nearly there yet? (BMJ Quality & Safety, Mar 2024)
Effective use of interdisciplinary approaches in healthcare quality: drawing on operations and visual management (BMJ Quality & Safety, Mar 2024)
Using quality improvement to pursue equity: lessons from healthcare (British Journal of Healthcare Management, Apr 2024)
Enhancing Physical Activity Recommendations to Support Cognition in Homecare: A Quality Improvement Project (Home Health Care Management & Practice, May 2024)
Fostering an Improvement Culture: Learning from East London NHS Foundation Trust’s Improvement Journey Over 10 Years (IHI, Mar 2024)
The prevalence of incivility in hospitals and the effects of incivility on patient safety culture and outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Journal of Advanced Nursing, Mar 2024)
Creating pragmatic, rapid-cycle, evidence-based innovation: The Kaiser Permanente Northern California Delivery Science and Applied Research (DARE) program (Learning Health Systems April 2024)
A Practical Guide to Embracing Failure in Healthcare QI (blog) (LinkedIn, May 2024)
How to Write Winning Funding Applications for QI Projects (LinkedIn, May 2024)
Shifting Sands: How the #QI Community's Social Media Landscape is Evolving (blog) (LinkedIn, May 2024)
Unlocking improvement through better staff experience (Audio) (NHS Confederation, May 2024)
Transforming into a Learning Health System: A Quality Improvement Initiative (Pediatric Quality and Safety, May 2024)
Using Electronic Health Records Data to Identify Strong Performers in Healthcare Quality Improvement (Perspectives in Health Information Management, Mar 2024)
The Critical Role of Leadership in Patient Safety Culture: A Mediation Analysis of Management Influence on Safety Factors (Risk Management & Healthcare Policy, Mar 2024)
Sustainable quality improvement: An essential ingredient for sustainability in modern medical curricula? (The Clinical Teacher, May 2024)
Defining and demonstrating value from continuous improvement in the NHS (Warwick Business School & NHS Horizons, Apr 2024)
“Let’s Chat!” Improving Emergency Department Staff Satisfaction with the Medication Reconciliation Process (Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health, May 2024)
Patients & people
Engaging young people in NHS service delivery and development (Association for Young People's Health, April 2024)
To increase public satisfaction in the NHS, we need a new conversation about how to improve it (BMJ, May 2024)
Inpatient Psychiatric Care in the United States: Former Patients’ Perspectives on Opportunities for Quality Improvement (Journal of Patient Experience, May 2024)
Integrated care
Reducing Out-Of-Area Placements: Avon and Wiltshire Partnership Trust (NHS Confederation, May 2024)
Collaborative Partnerships Between Schools and NHS Trusts (NHS Employers, May 2024)
Improving Workforce Wellbeing Through a Staff-Led Approach (NHS Employers, May 2024)
Making Links Between Health and Care and Further Education (NHS Employers, May 2024)
South East Region Virtual Wards Evaluation: Final Report (PPL, May 2024)
Commissioning Community Champions: Lessons from a Pandemic (The King’s Fund, May 2024)
Population health & prevention
The commercial determinants of health in Ireland: fueling an industrial epidemic at home and abroad (BJGP Open, May 2024)
Reablement, rehabilitation, recovery, everyone's business (British Geriatrics Society, May 2024)
Investigating Local Health Inequalities Using the Core20PLUS5 Approach - Engagement Report (Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire, April 2024)
United Against Health Inequalities: Moving in the Right Direction (NHS Providers, May 2024)
Health inequalities in 2040: current and projected patterns of illness by deprivation in England (REAL Centre, Apr 2024)
Three questions to ask about health inequalities statistics (blog) (The King’s Fund, May 2024)