This post contains all of the articles in the June 2023 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality improvement
Patient involvement in quality improvement: a survey comparing naturalistic and reflective approaches (BMJ Open Quality, May 2023)
The implementation of a rib fracture pathway at a small district general hospital to improve patient care (Cureus, May 2023)
Quality improvement strategies for diabetes care: effects on outcomes for adults living with diabetes (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, May 2023)
NHS quality improvement programme reduces the risk of cerebral palsy in newborns (National Institute for Health and Care Research, May 2023)
Implementation of a primary care asthma management quality improvement programme across 68 general practice sites (NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, May 2023)
Improving the transition of young people to adult services (NHS Fab, May 2023)
Integrated care
Earlier screening, risk assessment and health optimisation in perioperative pathways: a guide for providers and integrated care board (NHS England, May 2023)
Where does specialist public health sit across the UK? (Association of Directors of Public Health, May 2023)
Evaluating primary care transformation: synthesis of findings from UK pilot project reviews (British Journal of General Practice, May 2023)
Providers deliver: patient flow (NHS Providers, May 2023)
Involving partners, people and patients in integrated care: a case study from West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (Good Governance Institute, May 2023)
Patients & people
The case for more geriatricians: strengthening the workforce to care for an ageing population (British Geriatrics Society, May 2023)
Caring in a complex world: perspectives from unpaid carers and the organisations that support them (King’s Fund, May 2023)
In train? Progress on mental health nurse education (Nuffield Trust, May 2023)
Enabling patients as partners on virtual teams: a scoping review (Journal of Patient Experience, May 2023)
Patient perspectives of the hospital discharge process: a qualitative study (Journal of Patient Experience, May 2023)
For better or worse? Subjective expectations and cost-benefit trade-offs in health behavior (Institute for Fiscal Studies, May 2023)
Equity of access key to addressing physical health needs of learning disability population (Royal Society of Medicine, May 2023)
NHS strategy & performance
NHS Performance Tracker (Nuffield Trust, May 2023)
Realising the potential of virtual wards (NHS Confederation, May 2023)
NHS and Government back AHSNs to continue to lead innovation, under new name (Academic Health Science Network, May 2023)
Patterns of less-than-full-time working by NHS consultant (Institute for Fiscal Studies, May 2023)
Are you satisfied with your integrated performance report? (Good Governance Institute, May 2023)
Population health & prevention
Global health framework: working together towards a healthier world (Department of Health and Social Care, May 2023)
Our ambitions for a healthier nation (Association of Directors of Public Health, May 2023)
Active and healthy counties: encouraging, supporting and enabling residents to live healthy lives (County Councils Network, May 2023)
Designing out the most severe forms of hardship in local areas (New Local and Joseph Rowntree Foundation, May 2023)
Landmark resolution on strengthening rehabilitation in health systems (World Health Organisation, May 2023)
Are mental health problems the “new normal” for young people? New qualitative study from Sweden explores their thoughts (The Mental Elf, May 2023)
Technology & data
NHS partners with Inhealthcare to expand remote monitoring across Scotland (Inhealthcare, May 2023)
The electronic health record can be the hero, not the enemy (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, May 2023)
Mental health care and the benefits system: linked data provides opportunities for new research (The Mental Elf, May 2023)