This post contains all of the articles in the June 2022 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality improvement
Influences of post-implementation factors on the sustainability, sustainment, and intra-organizational spread of complex interventions (BMC Health Services Research, May 2022)
Beyond improvement skills: what do clinicians, managers, patients and others need to do to make improvement happen? (BMJ Quality & Safety, May 2022)
Determining the skills needed by frontline NHS staff to deliver quality improvement: findings from six case studies (BMJ Quality & Safety, May 2022)
Embedding sustainability into quality improvement- two-part recorded webinars (Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, May & June 2022)
An analysis of complaints about hospital care in the Republic of Ireland (International Journal for Quality in Health Care, May 2022)
The ‘Emergency Stone Clinic’ – improving patient care: A collaborative, hospital-based quality improvement project (Journal of Clinical Urology, May 2022)
PDSA Quality Improvement: A Scientific Method of Change (KaiNexus, May 2022)
A framework for understanding, designing, developing and evaluating learning health systems (Learning Health Systems, May 2022)
Bringing together digital and quality improvement – how boards can connect the dots and create allies in service transformation (NHS Providers, May 2022)
Quality improvement knowledge in pediatric hematology/oncology physicians: A need for improved education (Pediatric Blood & Cancel, May 2022)
Supporting the Pursuit of Quality Improvement Publication: What Your Organization Can Do Now (Quality Management in Health Care, May 2022)
Integrated care
Integrated working to address frailty needs: Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership (NHS Confederation, May 2022)
Roadmap for integrating specialised services within Integrated Care Systems (NHSEI, May 2022)
When partnerships turn sour: Why leaders need to go back to basics and build relationships from the bottom up (NHS Providers, May 2022)
Integrating health and social care: a national care service (Public Policy Projects, May 2022)
The Health and Care Act: six key questions (The Kings Fund, May 2022)
The Health and Care Act 2022: the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead (The Kings Fund, May 2022)
Patients & people
Spontaneously generated online patient experience data - how and why is it being used in health research: an umbrella scoping review (BMC Medical Research Methodology, May 2022)
The role of health care organizations in patient engagement: Mechanisms to support a strong relationship between patients and clinicians (Health Care Management Review, May 2022)
Why health visitors matter, perspectives on a widely valued service (Parent-Infant Foundation, May 2022)
Views of Care at End of Life: A Secondary Analysis of Online Feedback Using Care Opinion (Journal of Patient Experience, May 2022)
Valuing lived experience – learning report: are you ready to commit to the work of co-production? (National Voices, May 2022)
The Emergency Department Patient Experience: In Their Own Words (Patient Experience Research Brief, May 2022)
Using Standardized Whiteboards to Improve Patient Engagement (Patient Experience Research Brief, May 2022)
NHS strategy & performance
Collaboration over competition? Regulatory reform and inter-organisational relations in the NHS amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study (BMC Health Services Research, May 2022)
The government's response to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee report on clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic (Department of Health and Social Care, May 2022)
United Kingdom: health system review 2022 (Health Services in Transition, May 2022)
Strategies to reduce inequalities in access to planned hospital procedures (Midlands Decision Support Network, May 2022)
Making sense of new approaches to primary care delivery: a typology of innovations in primary care (NEJM Catalyst, May 2022)
Next steps for integrating primary care: Fuller stocktake report (NHS England, May 2022)
Providers Deliver: tackling the care backlog (NHS Providers, May 2022)
General practice on the brink: how did it get there? (Nuffield Trust, May 2022)
NHS patients are more likely to die – it is right to ask why (Nuffield Trust, May 2022)
Beds in the NHS (Royal College of Emergency Medicine, May 2022)
How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing? (The Kings Fund, May 2022)
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman scrutiny 2020 - 21 (UK Parliament, May 2022)
Social care
Preparing for reform - Understanding the impact of adult social care charging reform and planning for successful implementation (County Councils Network and Newton, May 2022)
ICS engagement with the adult social care sector in decision-making: final report (Good Governance Institute, May 2022)
Key Care Provision Aspects That Affect Care Transition in the Long-Term Care Systems: Preliminary Review Findings (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, May 2022)
Parents’ views on improving relationships with their social workers (Journal of Social Work, May 2022)
The Standards for Employers of Social Workers: National report summary 2021 (Local Government Association, May 2022)
The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care (MacAlister, May 2022)
Population health & prevention
Drug misuse prevention review (Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, May 2022)
The impact of dementia on women, how women are disproportionately affected across their lives and what needs to change (Alzheimer's Research UK, May 2022)
No honour in abuse: harnessing the health service to end domestic abuse (Centre for Social Justice, May 2022)
The legacy of the pandemic on mortality (Covid-19 Actuaries Response Group, May 2022)
Fit for the future: the health value of wellbeing and leisure services (District Councils' Network, May 2022)
Must Know, is your council meeting the needs of autistic people? (Local Government Association, May 2022)
Healthy foundations Integrating housing as part of the mental health pathway (Mental Health Network, May 2022)
How can local authorities reduce obesity? Insights from NIHR research (National Institute for Health and Care Research, May 2022)
Support at the end of life: the role of hospice services across the UK (Nuffield Trust, May 2022)
Climate and health: applying All Our Health (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, May 2022)
BMA Covid Review 2 - The impact of the pandemic on the medical profession (British Medical Association, May 2022)
The power of youth volunteering (IVAR, May 2022)
Improving engagement and communications for ambulance service staff (NHS Employers, May 2022)
Neurodiversity guidance for employers, managers, staff and students (Royal College of Nursing, May 2022)
A burnt-out health workforce impacts patient care (The Conversation, May 2022)
How reliant is the NHS in England on international nurse recruitment? (The Health Foundation, May 2022)
Adding value: a strategic vision for volunteering in NHS trusts (The Kings Fund, May 2022)
How can the NHS Staff Survey data help you to meet the core needs of your people? (The Kings Fund, May 2022)
Technology & data
Understanding healthcare workers’ confidence in AI (Health Education England, May 2022)
Meaningful patient and public involvement in digital health innovation, implementation and evaluation: A systematic review (Health Expectations, May 2022)
Digital delivery principles (NHS Providers, May 2022)
Patient engagement with digital health care: lessons from the Care City test bed (Nuffield Trust, May 2022)
Putting patients first: championing good practice in combatting digital health inequalities (Patient Coalition for AI, Data and Digital Tech in Health, May 2022)
Remote after-care using smartphones: A feasibility study of monitoring children’s pain with automated SMS messaging (Pediatric Anesthesia, May 2022)
Tele-Untethered: Telemedicine Without Waiting Rooms (Quality Management in Health Care, May 2022)
Global report on assistive technology (World Health Organization, May 2022)