This post contains all of the articles in the June 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
A comparative assessment of two tools designed to support patient safety culture in UK general practice (BMC Family Practice, May 2021)
Does organizational vision really matter? An empirical examination of factors related to organizational vision integration among hospital employees (BMC Health Services Research, May 2021)
Review of spread and adoption approaches across the AHSN Network (The AHSN Network, May 2021)
Safety Culture and Workforce Well-Being Associations with Positive Leadership WalkRounds (The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, April 2021)
“Enjoying Work Takes Work” (IHI, May 2021)
9 tips for measurement for improvement in health and health care (Saskatchewan Health Quality Council, May 2021)
What is Quality Improvement, anyway? (Saskatchewan Health Quality Council, May 2021)
PDSA is Part of Life, Make it Part of Your Work (Catalysis, May 2021)
PDSA Quality Improvement: A Scientific Method of Change (KaiNexus, May 2021)
The History & Evolution of the PDSA Cycle of Improvement (KaiNexus, May 2021)
How we improved VTE assessments at Stockport NHS FT (National Health Executive, May 2021)
National patient safety syllabus 2.0 (Health Education England, May 2021)
Patient Involvement
How Patient Engagement Supports Chronic Disease Management (Health Catalyst, May 2021)
Sharing Experiences to Find Better Ways to Improve Person-Centered Care (IHI, May 2021)
“A coalition of the willing”: experiences of co-designing an online pain management programme (iSelf-help) for people with persistent pain (Research Involvement and Engagement, May 2021)
The role of the informal and formal organisation in voice about concerns in healthcare: A qualitative interview study (Social Science & Medicine, May 2021)
Canterbury, New Zealand: avoiding assumptions and listening to communities - Video (The Kings Fund, May 2021)
CQC launches new online resource to support culturally appropriate care (Care Quality Commission, May 2021)
LSE–Lancet Commission on the future of the NHS: re-laying the foundations for an equitable and efficient health and care service after Covid-19 (London School of Economics and Political Science, May 2021)
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted primary care? (The Health Foundation, May 2021)
Initial learning from the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic (National Audit Office, May 2021)
What happened to English NHS hospital activity during the COVID-19 pandemic? (Institute for Fiscal Studies, May 2021)
Decision-making in uncertain times (The Kings Fund, May 2021)
The evolving role of the Chief Wellness Officer in the management of crises by healthcare systems: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic (NEJM Catalyst, May 2021)
Wellbeing across the four UK countries during the pandemic (The Nuffield Trust, May 2021)
A qualitative study of experiences of NHS mental healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic (BMC Psychiatry, May 2021)
A new deal for surgery (Royal College of Surgeons of England, May 2021)
The changing health needs of the UK population (The Lancet, May 2021)
Integrated care systems explained: making sense of systems, places and neighbourhoods (The Kings Fund, May 2021)
The Government’s White Paper proposals for the reform of Health and Social Care (Health & Social Care Committee, May 2021)
‘Levelling up’ general practice in England (The Health Foundation, May 2021)
Restoring Primary Care: Ten Key Priorities (NHS Confederation, May 2021)
Communities and health – explainer (The Kings Fund, May 2021)
Community Health Services Infographic (NHS Providers, May 2021)
Social Care 360 (The Kings Fund, May 2021)
Health information technology and digital innovation for national learning health and care systems (The Lancet, May 2021)
10 practical lessons for implementing digital innovations: learning from the Care City test bed (Nuffield Trust, May 2021)
On Digital Inequalities (University of Manchester, May 2021)
The future role of remote consultations & patient ‘triage’ (Royal College of General Practitioners, May 2021)
2020-21: A year in the life of the NHS AI Lab (NHSX, May 2021)
The NHS AI iceberg: below the surface (Digital Health, May 2021)
Data potential of wearable health tech readings (Open Access Government, May 2021)
The NHS needs to push harder on digital transformation (Med-Tech Innovation, May 2021)
New digital ‘life story’ platform launched to support people with dementia (Health Tech Digital, May 2021)
How a portable heart monitoring device helped protect mental health patients (MedTech, May 2021)