This post contains all of the articles in the July 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
How to sustainably build capacity in quality improvement within a healthcare organisation: a deep-dive, focused qualitative analysis (BMC Health Services Research, June 2021)
Completeness of reporting of quality improvement studies in neonatology is inadequate: a systematic literature survey (BMJ Open Quality, June 2021)
Managing high frequency users of an electronic consultation system in primary care: a quality improvement project (BMJ Open Quality, June 2021)
How to specify healthcare process improvements collaboratively using rapid, remote consensus-building: a framework and a case study of its application (BMC Medical Research Methodology, May 2021)
Designing for value in specialty referrals: a new framework for eliminating defects and wicked problems (NEJM Catalyst, June 2021)
Development of an Implementation Process Model: a Delphi study (BMC Health Services Research, June 2021)
A practical guide to the art of psychological safety in the real world of health and care (NHS Horizons, June 2021)
The History of PDSA, PDCA, and Dr. Deming (JFlinch, June 2021)
Two Popular Process Improvement Methodologies Explained (KaiNexus, June 2021)
Wrong site surgery – wrong patient: invasive procedures in outpatient settings (Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch, June 2021)
Four innovation hubs to be established as part of the Health Foundation’s programme to improve the adoption of health care improvements (The Health Foundation, June 2021)
Linking Quality, Safety, and Wellness Through Health Care Debriefing (IHI, June 2021)
Walsall Healthcare Trust’s QI Awards 2021 poster gallery (Walsall Healthcare Trust, 2021)
Patient Involvement
Framework for involving patients in patient safety (NHSE/I, June 2021)
Bringing Patients, Clinicians, and Researchers Together to Get Better Outcomes (IHI, June 2021)
Admin matters: the impact of NHS administration on patient care (The Kings Fund, June 2021)
Four priorities to reaffirm patient voice in the coming era of AI healthcare (LSE blog, June 2021)
Bottom-up citizen engagement for health emergency and disaster risk management: directions since COVID-19 (The Lancet, June 2021)
Accelerating population health improvement (BMJ, 2021)
A new deal for surgery (Royal College of Surgeons of England, May 2021)
Workforce burnout and resilience in the NHS and social care (House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee, June 2021)
Providers deliver: collaborating for better care (NHS Providers, June 2021)
Corporate services productivity toolkit (NHS England, May 2021)
Using targets to improve public services (Institute for Government, June 2021)
My role in tackling health inequalities: a framework for allied health professionals (The Kings Fund, June 2021)
Strengthening NHS board diversity (NHS Confederation, June 2021)
Moral distress and moral injury: recognising and tackling it for UK doctors (British Medical Association, June 2021)
A qualitative study of experiences of NHS mental healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic (BMC Psychiatry, May 2021)
Patients and machines: does technology help or hinder empathy and person-centred care? (The Health Foundation, June 2021)
How to Measure the Value of Virtual Health Care (Harvard Business Review, June 2021)
Digital boards: tackling digital inclusion means designing services that meet all your users’ needs (NHS Providers, June 2021)
Digital skills in mental health guide: an interactive tool for teams to make progress together (NHS Confederation, June 2021)
Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data (draft) (Department of Health and Social Care, June 2021)
The protection of personal data in health information systems: principles and processes for public health (World Health Organisation Europe, June 2021)
Locked out: digitally excluded people’s experiences of remote GP appointments (Healthwatch England, June 2021)
Mobile app for long Covid launched in 27 NHS trusts (Digital Health, June 2021)
Switched on: how do we get the best out of automation and AI in health care? (The Health Foundation, June 2021)
Designing and introducing digital solutions for nurses (Nursing Times, June 2021)