This post contains all of the articles in the July 2020 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Our top 3 reads
BMJ Special Supplement on Quality Improvement (BMJ, May 2020)
COVID-19: patient safety and quality improvement skills to deploy during the surge (International Journal for Quality in Health Care, May 2020)
Evidence Summary: Delivering Training Remotely (NHS Education for Scotland, May 2020)
Quality improvement and healthcare: The Mayo Clinic Quality Academy experience (Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases, June 2020)
Examining innovation in hospital units: a complex adaptive systems approach (BMC Health Services Research, June 2020)
Rapid learning and improvement during COVID-19: workshop #2 write-up (Q Community, June 2020)
'Team capital’ in quality improvement teams: findings from an ethnographic study of front-line quality improvement in the NHS (BMJ Open Quality, May 2020)
COVID-19: patient safety and quality improvement skills to deploy during the surge (International Journal for Quality in Health Care, May 2020)
BMJ Special Supplement on Quality Improvement (BMJ, May 2020)
Delivering QI remotely
Connecting Improvers: A discussion on adapting QI training for virtual learning (Q Community, June 2020)
Creating a Driver Diagram with people working remotely (ELFT, June 2020)
QI Department ‘Virtual Pocket QI Webinar Test’ Cycle 3 (ELFT, June 2020)
Making a success of virtual meetings … and 20 things to think about to make them even better! (IHM, June 2020)
Online training tools: features comparison grid (NHS Education for Scotland, May 2020)
Collaboration tools: features comparison grid (NHS Education for Scotland, May 2020)
Remote facilitation: a rough guide (NHS Education for Scotland, May 2020)
Evidence Summary: Delivering Training Remotely (NHS Education for Scotland, May 2020)
Recovery position: What next for the NHS? (NHS Providers, June 2020)
A Tool to Promote Psychological Safety During and After COVID-19 (IHI, June 2020)
Innovation and inspiration: examples of how providers are responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) (Care Quality Commission, June 2020)
Leading through COVID-19: supporting health and care leaders in unprecedented times (King’s Fund, June 2020)
Emerging evidence on COVID-19’s impact on mental health and health inequalities (Health Foundation, June 2020)
Understanding excess deaths: variation in the impact of COVID-19 between countries, regions and localities (The Health Foundation, June 2020)
Where are the patients? The factors affecting the use of emergency care during Covid-19 (Nuffield Trust, June 2020)
The Health Foundation COVID-19 Survey (Health Foundation, June 2020)
Help Your Employees Manage Their Reentry Anxiety (Harvard Business Review, June 2020)
Patient experience
Patient feedback to improve quality of patient-centred care in public hospitals: a systematic review of the evidence (BMC Health Services Research, June 2020)
Whose data is it anyway? Patient experience and service improvement (Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, June 2020)
Fostering Human Connection in the Covid-19 Virtual Health Care Realm (NEJM Catalyst, May 2020)
Discover how telehealth and remote monitoring is transforming the NHS (Health Europa, June 2020)