This post contains all of the articles in the January 2024 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality Improvement
Productivity: how improvement and Q can help (Q Community, January 2024)
Quality improvement initiative to improve communication domains of patient satisfaction in a regional community hospital with Six Sigma methodology (BMJ Open Quality, December 2023)
Rapid literature review: Improvement support across sectors (Care Quality Commission, December 2023)
Learning health systems: how to get started (Health Foundation, December 2023)
Integrated care
Social care funding reform in England (Health Foundation, January 2024)
Boosting referrals into urgent community response services to benefit patients (NHS Confederation, December 2023)
Primary care provider collaboratives: what you need to know (NHS Confederation, December 2023)
What does integrated care look like to patients? (NHS Providers, December 2023)
Patients & people
Waiting list falls again as NHS staff treat more patients than ever before in one month (NHS England, January 2024)
Identifying patients with additional needs isn’t enough to improve care: harnessing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls of classification (BMJ Quality & Safety, December 2023)
NHS strategy & performance
New draft strategy to transform primary care launches (National Health Executive, January 2024)
Why our conversations about productivity in the NHS are not very productive (Nuffield Trust, January 2024)
What’s driving increasing length of stay in hospitals since 2019? (Health Foundation, December 2023)
Bold action or slow decay? The state of NHS dentistry and future policy actions (Nuffield Trust, December 2023)
Population health & prevention
Patient-initiated follow-up: does it work, why it matters, and can it help the NHS recover? (Nuffield Trust, January 2024)
Barriers and inequalities in cervical screening (Healthwatch, January 2024)
Improving the wait for cancer care (Healthwatch, January 2024)
A new approach to defining ‘place’ that’s supporting action on health inequalities (Health Foundation, January 2024)
How do people estimate the contribution health care makes to our health? (Health Foundation, January 2024)
Technology & data
AI in research: proposals for informed consent, ChatGPT in diagnosis and treatment, and recommendations for tackling disparities (Health Tech Newspaper, January 2024)
GOSH joins consortium of children’s hospitals to collaborate on decentralised data ecosystem (Health Tech Newspaper, January 2024)
Managing risk and resilience in autonomous and intelligent systems: exploring safety in the development, deployment and use of artificial intelligence in healthcare (Risk Analysis, January 2024)
Project Management
How project managers can turn stress into their ally (Association for Project Management, January 2024)
The automation revolution: elevate your project management game (Association for Project Management, January 2024)
10 Helpful Tips On How To Plan a Project (Bestoutcome, December 2023)
Northumbria Healthcare’s action plan to tackle climate change shares “digital by default” target (Health Tech Newspaper, January 2024)
Benefits of trees and woodland on NHS estate valued at thousands of pounds (NHS Forest, January 2024)
Health effects of climate change in the UK-State of the evidence (UK Health Security Agency, December 2023)