This post contains all of the articles in the January 2020 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Impact of a national quality improvement programme for hospital wards is unclear (NIHR Signal, Jan 2020)
Exploring the sustainability of quality improvement interventions in healthcare organisations: a multiple methods study of the 10-year impact of the ‘Productive Ward: Releasing Time to Care’ programme in English acute hospitals (BMJ Quality & Safety, Jan 2020)
Combining patient, clinical and system perspectives in assessing performance in healthcare: an integrated measurement framework (BMC Health Services Research, Jan 2020)
Can feedback approaches reduce unwarranted clinical variation? A systematic rapid evidence synthesis (BMC Health Services Research, Jan 2020)
Innovating for improved healthcare: Policy and practice for a thriving NHS (RAND Corporation, Jan 2020)
Accelerating transformation: How systems are funding and resourcing ‘engine room’ staff (NHS Confederation, Dec 2019)
Patient Experience & Engagement
Practices to Foster Physician Presence and Connection With Patients in the Clinical Encounter (Jan 2020)
Online patient feedback is mostly positive — but is not being used effectively (NIHR Signal, Jan 2020)
Patients’ and healthcare workers’ recommendations for a surgical patient safety checklist – a qualitative study (BMC Health Services Research, Jan 2020)
Shifting the mindset: a closer look at hospital complaints (Healthwatch England, Jan 2020)
Improving care by using patient feedback (NIHR, December 2019)
Fresh eyes approach: A walkthrough to improve people’s experience of care in the last months of life in acute hospitals (Hospice UK, Nov 2019)
Status Quo BINGO: Busting Myths About Partnering with Patients (Patient Experience Library, undated)
Efficiency & Planning
Community-centred public health: Taking a whole system approach (Public Health England, Jan 2020)
Threats to safe transitions from hospital to home: a consensus study in North West London primary care (British Journal of General Practice, Jan 2020)
Do virtual renal clinics improve access to kidney care? A preliminary impact evaluation of a virtual clinic in East London (BMC Nephrology, Jan 2020)
Why does the NHS struggle to adopt eHealth innovations? A review of macro, meso and micro factors (BMC Health Services Research, Dec 2019)
Worcestershire Royal to give new mums iPads to help with bonding (Digital Health, Jan 2020)
Just 1 in 10 outpatient appointments conducted via video, RCP survey finds (Digital Health, Jan 2020)
Bradford Teaching Hospitals to deploy UK-first remote examination device (Digital Health, Dec 2020)