This post contains all of the articles in the December 2023 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality Improvement
Case study: Influencing organisational change (Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership, December 2023)
Briefing: Improvement as mainstream business (Health Foundation, November 2023)
Building lean improvement skills at scale: an evaluation of a massive open online course in the English NHS (BMJ Open Quality, October 2023)
Integrated care
Integrated care partnerships: driving the future vision for health and care (NHS Confederation, December 2023)
Measuring continuity of care in general practice (Health Foundation, November 2023)
Chain reaction? Understanding the causes of backlogs through urgent and emergency care (Nuffield Trust, October 2023)
Accelerating reform in adult social care in England (Department of Health and Social Care, October 2023)
NHS England Provider Selection Regime for Integrated Care Systems (NHS England, October 2023)
Personal health budgets: options for managing the money (NHS England, October 2023)
Patients & people
From climate anxiety to climate action: developing global mental health recommendations (The Mental Elf, December 2023)
What do people think about patient choice? | Healthwatch (Healthwatch, November 2023)
NHS urged to do more to help patients leave hospital safely | Healthwatch (Healthwatch, November 2023)
The public’s perspective: The state of health and social care (Healthwatch, November 2023)
NHS strategy & performance
Unsustainable workload, part-time working and portfolio careers: results of the GP trainee survey (King’s Fund, October 2023)
Opportunities for flexible commissioning in primary care dentistry: a framework for commissioners (NHS England, October 2023)
NHS leaders facing impossible choices on which services to cut unless government provides urgent cash injection (NHS Confederation, October 2023)
Supporting general practice at scale: fit for 2024/25 and beyond (NHS Confederation, October 2023)
Population health & prevention
Transforming health and wellbeing services through population health management | NHS Confederation (NHS Confederation, November 2023)
A national framework for NHS- action on inclusion health (NHS England, October 2023)
Housing Horizons: examining UK housing stock in an international context (Home Builders Federation, October 2023)
Technology & data
The (underdeveloped) power of data (The Health Foundation, December 2023)
£1.28m AI upgrade to radiology training facilities at University Hospitals of North Midlands December 2023)
Does better tech always mean better health care? (The Health Foundation, November 2023)
Exploring public attitudes towards the use of digital health technologies and data - The Health Foundation (Health Foundation, November 2023)
What do technology and AI mean for the future of work in healthcare? (Health Foundation, November 2023)
Questions of trust? Exploring the national data opt-out rate (Nuffield Trust, October 2023)
Virtual ward platform technologies for acute respiratory infections (NICE, October 2023)
New pilot to improve cancer outcomes and tackle inequalities launches in Dorset (NHS Dorset, October 2023)
The data dilemma: does data help or hinder patient care in mental health? (NHS Confederation, October 2023)
Project Management
Six effective ways to optimize project management workflows (Association for Project Management, December 2023)
Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust Transformation Programme (Transformation Unit, December 2023)
Three capacity planning strategies for project managers (Association for Project Management, December 2023)
Impact on health professions education of the climate and nature crisis (Medical Teacher, November 2023)
Enhancing sustainability through accessible health platforms: a scoping review (Sustainability, November 2023)
Modular heat pumps for seaside Devon hospital (Health Estate Journal, November 2023)