This post contains all of the articles in the December 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Exploring healthcare staff narratives to understand the role of quality improvement methods in innovative practices during COVID-19 (BMC Health Services Research, Nov 2021)
Physicians’ clinical experience and its association with healthcare quality: a systematised review (BMJ Open Quality, Nov 2021)
Quality improvement in practice—part three: achieving the triple aim through the systematic application of quality improvement (British Journal of Healthcare Management, Oct 2021)
The effectiveness of quality improvement collaboratives in improving stroke care and the facilitators and barriers to their implementation: a systematic review (Implementation Science, Nov 2021)
Applying an Equity Lens to Performance Improvement (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Nov 2021)
Lessons for Improvement Leaders in Any Setting (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Nov 2021)
Estimating the effect of health service delivery interventions on patient length of stay (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Nov 2021)
Improving management of hospital discharges (short film) (Look Ahead & Camden and Islington NHS FT, Nov 2021)
QI/Patient Experience Opportunity: 12 Trusts wanted to join ‘Scale, Spread and Embed’ project: using Friends and Family Test data in real-time to improve patient experience (Imperial Healthcare/The Health Foundation)
COP26: Fifty countries commit to climate resilient and low carbon health systems (BMJ, Nov 2021)
UK health services make landmark pledge to achieve net zero (Department of Health and Social Care, Nov 2021)
How NHS Wales is responding to the climate emergency (NHS Confederation, Nov 2021)
An anchor approach to sustainability (The Health Foundation, Nov 2021)
Going green, what do the public think about the NHS and climate change? (The Health Foundation, Oct 2021)
Patient Involvement
Most patients are positive about their hospital care, but too many let down by a lack of information and support when they leave (Care Quality Commission, Oct 2021)
Coproduction, Coeducation, and Patient Involvement: Everyone Included Framework for Medical Education Across Age Groups and Cultures (JMIR Medical Education, Nov 2021)
Mapping the Lived Experience Landscape in Mental Health (National Survivor User Network, Nov 2021)
Reframing the Patient Experience - A new scorecard for healthcare leaders (The Siemens Healthineers Insights Series, Oct 2021)
Integrated Care
Integrated Care in England–what can we Learn from a Decade of National Pilot Programmes? (International Journal of Integrated Care, Oct 2021)
Building frontiers (National Association of Primary Care, Nov 2021)
Working harder than ever to support patients and communities: examples from across the NHS (NHS Confederation, Nov 2021)
Have integrated care programmes reduced emergency admissions? Lessons for Integrated Care Systems (The Health Foundation, Oct 2021)
A ‘radically realistic’ vision for adult social care (The Kings Fund, Nov 2021)
Public health and integrated care reform: doing the knitting (The Kings Fund, Nov 2021)
Nowhere else to turn: exploring high intensity use of accident and emergency services (British Red Cross, Nov 2021)
Waiting lists are inevitable. It's how we manage them that matters (Healthwatch, Nov 2021)
Timely access to care: Principles for recovery (National Voices, Nov 2021)
State of the Provider Sector 2021 (NHS Providers, Nov 2021)
Attracting, supporting and retaining a diverse NHS workforce (Nuffield Trust, Nov 2021)
Crowding and its consequences (Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Nov 2021)
10 unsustainable pressures on the health and care system in England (Royal College of Nursing, Nov 2021)
Delayed hospital handovers: impact assessment of patient harm (The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, Nov 2021)
Caring for older patients with complex needs, How does England compare with 11 OECD countries? (The Health Foundation, Nov 2021)
From chaos to control – experiences of healthcare workers during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: a focus group study (BMC Health Services Research, Nov 2021)
Understanding vaccine hesitancy through communities of place (Institute for Community Studies, Nov 2021)
Health spending during Covid-19: how does the UK compare? (Nuffield Trust, Nov 2021)
Briefing: Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the clinically extremely vulnerable population (The Health Foundation, Oct 2021)
Unintended consequences of online consultations: a qualitative study in UK primary care (British Journal of General Practice, Oct 2021)
NHS Digital and NHSX to merge with NHS England (Digital Health, Nov 2021)
Putting data, digital and tech at the heart of transforming the NHS (Department of Health and Social Care, Nov 2021)
How new technology can help clinical quality, productivity, and the healthcare workforce (London School of Economics, Nov 2021)
Fit for the future: What can the NHS learn about digital health care from other European countries? (Nuffield Trust, Nov 2021)