This post contains all of the articles in the August 2024 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality Improvement
Do primary care quality improvement frameworks consider equity? (BMJ Open Quality, July 2024)
Proactive advance care planning conversations in general practice: a quality improvement project (BMJ Open Quality, July 2024)
Quality improvement initiative to reduce URI-associated antibiotic prescriptions among adult primary care providers (BMJ Open Quality, July 2024)
Implementation Strategies for Quality Improvement in Palliative Care: A Scoping Review (Health Expectations, July 2024)
Effectiveness of a virtual quality improvement training program to improve reach of weight management programs within a large health system (Health Services Research, July 2024)
Using patient feedback to predict effects of quality improvement initiatives (International Journal of Health Planning and Management, July 2024)
A lean approach for improving medicines management in Australia's first cardiac hospital inventory system (International Journal of Health Planning and Management, July 2024)
Quality improvement development in Swedish healthcare and welfare services (International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, July 2024)
The utility of website-based quality improvement tools for health professionals: a systematic review (International Journal for Quality in Health Care, July 2024)
What does the future of quality improvement look like? – Editorial (International Journal for Quality in Health Care, July 2024)
Quality improvement in the era of boarding and burnout: A postpandemic blueprint (JACEP Open, July 2024)
Preoperative Anesthesia Virtual Video Consultations in a Preadmission Clinic: Quality Improvement Study (JMIR Perioperative Medicine, July 2024)
The ROBIN project: A quality improvement initiative in the neonatal unit (Journal of Neonatal Nursing, July 2024)
Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Critical Appraisal Tool (Journal of Nursing Care Quality, July 2024)
Benefits Realisation in Quality Improvement Projects: A Practical Guide (LinkedIn, July 2024)
Development of a Train-the-Trainer Quality Improvement Curriculum (MedEdPORTAL, July 2024)
NHS IMPACT Improvement Guide for programmes (NHS Impact, July 2024)
Leading Improvement in Health and Care Podcast (NHS Confederation, July 2024)
Patients & people
Factors influencing multiple non-utilized healthcare appointments from patients’ and healthcare providers’ perspectives (BJGP Open, July 2024)
Principles and elements of patient-centredness in mental health services: a thematic analysis of a systematic review of reviews (BMJ Open Quality, July 2024)
Role of coproduction in the sustainability of innovations in applied health and social care research: a scoping review (BMJ Open Quality, June 2024)
Patient-Centered Healthcare: From Patient Experience to Human Experience (Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, July 2024)
What matters to you? An observational field study of patient and care provider expectations for health care relationships (PLoS ONE, July 2024)
Integrated care & strategy
Developing a Human Learning Systems approach for inter-agency collaboration: Lessons from the UK NHS (Australian Journal of Public Administration, July 2024)
More than the sum of our parts: an evaluation of local mental health alliances (Centre for Mental Health, July 2024)
AI in health care: what do the public and NHS staff think? (Health Foundation, July 2024)
Enabling integrated care systems to work better (Institute for Government, July 2024)
People not structures: putting people at the heart of integrated care (Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, July 2024)
NHS financial management and sustainability 2024 (National Audit Office, July 2024)
The Hewitt review: where are we one year on? (NHS Confederation, July 2024)
System working in the NHS: How trusts work in partnership to improve care and outcomes for people (NHS Providers, July 2024)
NHS secondary care: an overview (NHS Providers, July 2024)
Case study: Improving Children’s Health in the early years through local integrated teams – North West London (North West London Integrated Care System, July 2024)
Productivity in the NHS: what’s getting in the way? (Nuffield Trust, July 2024)
Green physician toolkit (Royal College of Physicians, July 2024)
Realising the potential of integrated care systems (The Kings Fund, July 2024)
Population health & prevention
eHealth Literacy and the Use of NHS 111 Online Urgent Care Service in England: Cross-Sectional Survey (Journal of Medical Internet Research, June 2024)
Social prescribing around the world (National Academy for Social Prescribing, June 2024)
Making sense of health inequalities (NHS Providers, July 2024)
Forgotten generation: Shaping better services for children and young people (NHS Providers, July 2024)
What builds good health? An introduction to the building blocks of health (The Health Foundation, July 2024)