This post contains all of the articles in the August 2023 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality Improvement
No waiting lying in a corridor (BMJ Open Quality, August 2023)
Quality control: the misunderstood essential for improvement (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, August 2023)
Stroke quality improvement project for complex stroke survivors (Academy of Fabulous Stuff, August 2023)
Improving organising outpatient appointments (Academy of Fabulous Stuff, August 2023)
Integrated care
The state of integrated care systems 2022/2023: riding the storm (NHS Confederation, August 2023)
Exploring and understanding the VCSE sector in provider collaboratives (NHS Confederation, August 2023)
Ambulance services and integrated care systems: lessons for effective collaboration (NHS Confederation, August 2023)
Remote monitoring technology and virtual clinical support reduces pressure on acute trusts and GP surgeries (Integrated Care Northamptonshire, August 2023)
Patients & people
Patients to get the help they need more quickly as new Unscheduled Care Hub is launched in Bedfordshire (Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership, August 2023)
Back to basics: understanding lived experience and intersectionality in health and care (King’s Fund, August 2023)
What are people telling us about accessing and paying for social care? (Healthwatch, August 2023)
Making every relationship matter: a practitioner toolkit for relational care with older people (Housing Learning and Improvement Network, August 2023)
Your experiences of getting prescription medication (Healthwatch, August 2023)
NHS strategy & performance
Workforce Plan: a missed opportunity for palliative care? (British Journal of Community Nursing, August 2023)
Growing numbers of delayed discharges from community hospitals (Nuffield Trust, August 2023)
How feasible are the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan commitments on training? (Health Foundation, August 2023)
Social health insurance: be careful what you wish for (Health Foundation, August 2023)
Building community health and care capacity: reflections from other countries (Nuffield Trust, August 2023)
Major conditions strategy: case for change and our strategic framework (Department of Health and Social Care, August 2023)
How long are patients waiting for a GP appointment in England? (Nuffield Trust, August 2023)
Elective recovery taskforce: implementation plan (Department of Health and Social Care, August 2023)
Population health & prevention
How to successfully implement population health management: a scoping review (BMC Health Services Research, August 2023)
A bitter taste? Exploring the political constraints on public health policies (Social Market Foundation, August 2023)
Social needs among people living with mental health difficulties (Centre for Mental Health, August 2023)
Health inequalities: improving accountability in the NHS (Institute of Health Equity, August 2023)
Technology & data
Personalised electronic health programme for recovery after major abdominal surgery: a multicentre, single-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial (Lancet Digital Health, August 2023)
Artificial intelligence-based model to classify cardiac functions from chest radiographs: a multi-institutional, retrospective model development and validation study (Lancet Digital Health, August 2023)
£13 million for 22 AI for health research projects (UK Research and Innovation, August 2023)
Embedding equity into every step of adverse event analysis (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, August 2023)
National data guardian focuses on assurance, value and transparency on NHS’s Federated Data Platform (Health Tech Newspaper, August 2023)