This post contains all of the articles in the August 2022 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality improvement
Implementation effort: Reducing the ordering of inappropriate echocardiograms through a point-of-care decision support tool (American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice, July 22)
The effect of overlapping surgical scheduling on operating theatre productivity: a narrative review (Anaesthesia, July 22)
Look in the Mirror, Not Out the Window. In Favor of Internal Benchmarking (Annals of Surgery Open, July 22)
National learning systems to sustain and scale up delivery of quality healthcare: a conceptual framework (BMJ Global Health, July 22)
Quality improvement as a primary approach to change in healthcare: a precarious, self-limiting choice? (BMJ Quality & Safety, July 22)
Identifying and managing latent safety threats though a zone-wide emergency department in-situ multidiscipline simulation program: A quality improvement project (Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing, July 22)
Improving assessments and follow-up for pediatric emergency department mental health visits (Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing, July 22)
Teaching Quality Improvement: The Use of Education Theories Across the Medical Education Spectrum (Cureus, July 22)
Using data to drive service improvement: false dawns and a promised land? (Future Healthcare Journal, July 22)
Using Quality Improvement to Address Racism (blog) (IHI, July 22)
Antimicrobial Stewardship within the Digital Setting: A Quality Improvement Study – Interventions and Outcomes within a Digital-First General Practice in the UK (International Journal of Digital Health, July 22)
Does registered nurse involvement in improving healthcare services, influence registered nurse retention? (Journal of Research in Nursing, July 22)
The social networks of hospital staff: A realist synthesis (Journal of Health Services Research &
Policy, July 22)
Enhancing national audit through addressing the quality improvement capabilities of feedback recipients: a multi-phase intervention development study (Pilot and Feasibility Studies, July 22)
Developing catalyst films of health experiences: an analysis of a robust multi-stakeholder involvement journey (Research Involvement and Engagement, July 22)
Integrated care
Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Spring Budget Survey 22 (ADASS, July 22)
Integrated Care Systems Infographic (Council for Disabled Children, July 22)
Expected Ways of Working Between Integrated Care Partnerships and Adult Social Care Providers (Department of Health and Social Care, July 22)
Guidance On the Preparation of Integrated Care Strategies (Department of Health and Social Care, July 22)
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Principles (Department of Health and Social Care, July 22)
Future Issues for Public Service Leaders (Ipsos Public Affairs, July 22)
A Community-Powered NHS: Making Prevention A Reality (New Local, July 22)
NHS Oversight Framework 22/23: What You Need To Know (NHS Confederation, July 22)
Palliative and end of life care: statutory guidance for integrated care boards (NHS England, July 22)
Working In Partnership with People And Communities: Statutory Guidance (NHS England, July 22)
A Guide to The Health and Care Act 22 (NHS Providers, July 22)
Providers In Place-Based Partnerships: Case Studies Of Local Collaboration (NHS Providers, July 22)
System On a Cliff Edge: Addressing Challenges in Social Care Capacity (NHS Providers, July 22)
A new NHS reorganisation: will it work this time? (Nuffield Trust, July 22)
Are ICSs getting off to the right start? (blog) (The Kings Fund, July 22)
Patients & people
How to involve and engage patients in digital health tech innovation – An Evidence Based Guide (Boehringer Ingelheim, July 22)
Protecting Human Rights in Care Settings (Joint Committee on Human Rights, July 22)
Asking the Question ‘What Matters to You?’ in a London Intensive Care Unit (Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews, July 22)
Developing Our Understanding of The Difference Co-Production Makes in Social Care (Social Care Institute for Excellence, July 22)
Towards a new partnership between disabled people and health and care services: getting our voices heard (The Kings Fund, July 22)
NHS strategy & performance
Saved bed days: the ultimate currency (opinion) (BMJ, July 22)
Predictors and outcomes of patient safety culture: a cross-sectional comparative study (BMJ Open Quality, July 22)
Addressing Backlogs and Managing Waiting Lists During And Beyond The Covid-19 Pandemic (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, July 22)
Projections: General and Acute Hospital Beds In England (2018–2030) (Health Foundation, July 22)
GP Patient Survey: National Report — 22 Survey (Ipsos MORI, July 22)
Access to GP services and NHS dentists: Opposition Day Debate (NHS Confederation, July 22)
The COVID-19 inquiry: learning the lessons (NHS Confederation, July 22)
Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service (NHS England, July 22)
NHS Providers: New Hospital Programme Survey (NHS Providers, July 22)
NHS Performance Summary: May-June 22 (Nuffield Trust, July 22)
The NHS: Decline and Fall, or Resurrection? (Social Market Foundation, July 22)
Population health & prevention
The Impact of The Pandemic on Population Health and Health Inequalities (British Medical Association, July 22)
Poverty, Economic Inequality And Mental Health (Centre for Mental Health, July 22)
Heads Up: Rethinking Mental Health Services for Vulnerable Young People (Commission on Young Lives, July 22)
Women’s health strategy for England (Department of Health and Social Care, July 22)
Improving Children And Young People’s Mental Health Services: Local Data Insights From England, Scotland And Wales (Health Foundation, July 22)
Tackling inequalities in healthcare access, experience, and outcomes: Actionable insights (NHS England, July 22)
Reducing health disparities: the role of community businesses in community-centred systems (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, July 22)
How do you measure the success of population health approaches? (blog) (The Kings Fund, July 22)
Obesity, Deprivation and Covid-19: Why Rowing Back on The Obesity Strategy Could Prove To Be A Costly Error (The King's Fund, July 22)
What are health inequalities? (The Kings Fund, July 22)
What is a population health approach? (The Kings Fund, July 22)
Delivering racial equality in medicine (British Medical Association, July 22)
NHS workforce projections 22 (Health Foundation, July 22)
Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care (House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee, July 22)
NHS Staff Wellbeing: Why Investing in Organisational And Management Practices Makes Business Sense (International Public Policy Observatory)
Developing Workforce Skills for a Strong Economy (National Audit Office, July 22)
NHS Pay Awards 22-2023: Analysis and Next Steps (NHS Providers, July 22)
Fronting Up to The Problems: What Can Be Done to Improve the Wellbeing of NHS Staff? (Nuffield Trust, July 22)
Perspectives On Strengths-Based Approaches: Social Workers, Commissioners and Managers (Personal Social Services Research Unit, July 22)
Technology & data
UK and US launch innovation prize challenges in privacy-enhancing technologies to tackle financial crime and public health emergencies (Centre for Data Ethics & Innovation, July 22)
What can lesser-digitised trusts learn from recent EPR deployments? (Digital Health, July 22)
What Good Looks Like Hub (NHS Futures)
Good “Webside” Manner: Recommendations for Effective Virtual Care (IHI, July 22)
Training and skills development for the care sector (Institute of Public Care, July 22)
Remedy for a stressed-out workforce: digital innovation at the NHS (SAP, July 22)