This post contains all of the articles in the August 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Junior doctor-led quality improvement project to improve safety and visibility of an interspecialty referral system (BMJ Open Quality, July 2021)
Scoping review of balanced scorecards for use in healthcare settings: development and implementation (BMJ Open Quality, July 2021)
Application of comprehensive unit-based safety program model in the inter-hospital transfer of patients with critical diseases: a retrospective controlled study (BMC Health Services Research, July 2021)
Hidden labour: the skilful work of clinical audit data collection and its implications for secondary use of data via integrated health IT (BMC Health Services Research, July 2021)
Understanding and Working with Complexity (NHS Horizons, July 2021)
How can we transfer service and policy innovations between health systems? (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, July 2021)
Meaningful Changes Leaders Can Make to Promote the Long-Term Well-Being of the Health Care Workforce (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, July 2021)
Testing Changes for Respectful Maternity Care (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, July 2021)
How to Build a Learning Organization Culture (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, July 2021)
Sponge-on-a-string cancer test rolled out in Scotland (UK Research and Innovation, July 2021)
What Does It Mean to Rethink Quality? (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, July 2021)
Starting your quality improvement journey in an NHS Trust (Picker Institute, June 2021)
Patient Involvement
Improving communication between health care professionals and patients in the NHS in England (NHS England, July 2021)
Shared decision making: shared reality or insider jargon? (The Patients Association, July 2021)
Understanding integration How to listen to and learn from people and communities (The Kings Fund, July 2021)
How will we know integration of health and care services is working? (The Kings Fund, July 2021)
Expanding the public and patient role in medical regulation (PHG Foundation, July 2021)
Lessons from the 2000s: the ambition to reduce waits must be matched with patience and realism (The Kings Fund, July 2021)
Addressing the care backlog: An essential partnership between primary and secondary care (NHS Providers, July 2021)
What has been the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on key population health outcome measures? (The Strategy Unit, July 2021)
A wait on your mind? A realistic proposal for tackling the elective backlog (Policy Exchange, July 2021)
The Cost of Inequality – putting a price on health (Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, July 2021)
Tackling obesity: the role of the NHS in a whole-system approach (The Kings Fund, July 2021)
Unlocking solutions in imaging: working together to learn from failings in the NHS (Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, July 2021)
Paying For Health Gains - CHE Research Paper 183 (Centre for Health Economics, July 2021)
Chief Medical Officer’s annual report 2021: health in coastal communities (Department of Health and Social Care, July 2021)
Department of Health and Social Care outcome delivery plan: 2021 to 2022 (Department of Health and Social Care, July 2021)
Public perceptions of the NHS in 2020 (The Kings Fund, July 2021)
Health authorities’ health risk communication with the public during pandemics: a rapid scoping review (BMC Public Health, July 2021)
Coronavirus: the consequences for mental health (Mind, July 2021)
Unequal pandemic, fairer recovery (The Health Foundation, July 2021)
Is the cure really worse than the disease? The health impacts of lockdowns during COVID-19 (BMJ, July 2021)
People’s Perspective COVID-19: Preparing for the future (The Academy of Medical Sciences, July 2021)
Attitudes towards and experiences of the NHS during Covid-19: views from patients, professionals and the public (Richmond Group of Charities, July 2021)
The lived experience of disabled people during the Covid-19 pandemic (Cabinet Office Disability Unit, July 2021)
Through the visor 2: further learning from member experiences during Covid-19 (British Geriatrics Society, July 2021)
Participatory co-design and normalisation process theory with staff and patients to implement digital ways of working into routine care: the example of electronic patient-reported outcomes in UK renal services (BMC Health Services Research, July 2021)
The challenges in implementing digital change: cross-government (National Audit Office, July 2021)
COVID-19 and the digital divide: Supporting digital inclusion and skills during the pandemic and beyond (The Centre for Ageing Better, July 2021)
Digital Health Report: National Attitudes & Behaviours in the UK Today (ORCHA, July 2021)
Care tech landscape review: mental health (Future Care Capital, July 2021)
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust gives patients ownership over their care with patient engagement portal (Health Tech Digital, July 2021)
“We want action”: the need to transform mental health services with tech (Health Tech Digital, July 2021)
Three new Trusts join nation’s largest medical staff bank (Health Tech Digital, July 2021)