This post contains all of the articles in the August 2020 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Our top 3 reads
How to move beyond quality improvement projects (BMJ, July 2020)
How a culture of improvement powered health systems’ response to covid-19 (HSJ - sponsored, July 2020)
Person-centred data collection methods to embed the authentic voice of people who experience health challenges (BMJ Open Quality, July 2020)
Managing high-acuity outpatient services during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from the acute diabetes foot service (Future Healthcare Journal, August 2020)
Enacting quality improvement in ten European hospitals: a dualities approach (BMC Health Services Research, July 2020)
Professionalism Revealed: Rethinking Quality Improvement in the Wake of a Pandemic (NEJM Catalyst, July 2020)
How a culture of improvement powered health systems’ response to covid-19 (HSJ - sponsored, July 2020)
How to move beyond quality improvement projects (BMJ, July 2020)
Keep calm and carry on learning: using Microsoft Teams to deliver a medical education programme during the COVID-19 pandemic (Future Healthcare Journal, July 2020)
Communication in the time of COVID (Future Healthcare Journal, July 2020)
Rapid learning & improvement during COVID-19: workshop #4 write-up (Q Community, July 2020)
Person-centred data collection methods to embed the authentic voice of people who experience health challenges (BMJ Open Quality, July 2020)
Being a Patient (The Patients Association, July 2020)
NHS Reset: Mental health services and COVID-19: preparing for the rising tide (NHS Confederation, August 2020)
Quarterly monitoring report 29: how is the NHS performing? (The Kings Fund, August 2020)
How might COVID-19 affect the number of GPs available to see patients in England? (Health Foundation, August 2020)
Resuming health services during the Covid-19 pandemic. What can the NHS learn from other countries? (Nuffield Trust, July 2020)
Managing uncertainty in the covid-19 era (BMJ, July 2020)
The road to renewal: five priorities for health and care (The Kings Fund, July 2020)
The NHS after COVID-19: The views of provider trust chief executives (NHS Confederation, July 2020)
Capturing beneficial change from the COVID-19 pandemic (British Geriatrics Society, July 2020)
The hidden impact of COVID-19 on patient care in the NHS in England (BMA, July 2020)
Rebuilding the NHS - Resetting outpatient services for the 21st century in the context of COVID-19 (Royal College of Physicians, July 2020)
Reimagining the future of health and social care. How to learn the lessons from the Covid-19 crisis for a next generation health and care system (RSA, July 2020)
Resilient health and care: Learning the lessons of Covid-19 in the English NHS (Institute for Public Policy Research, July 2020)
The impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on all-cause attendances to emergency departments in two large London hospitals: an observational study (Imperial College, July 2020)
The long haul: How leaders can shift mindsets and behaviors to reopen safely (McKinsey, July 2020)
4 Examples Of Merging Gaming & Digital Health (The Medical Futurist, August 2020)
Technology and innovation for long-term health conditions (The Kings Fund, August 2020)
NHS clinicians given free access to online health and care video library (Digital Health, July 2020)
A new era of digital leadership (NHS Providers, July 2020)
The Doctor Will Zoom You Now: getting the most out of the virtual health and care experience (National Voices, July 2020)
Royal Wolverhampton predicts needs for PPE using Teletracking (July 2020)
Telehealth in the Context of COVID-19: Changing Perspectives in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Journal of Medical Internet Research, June 2020)
Is technology a distraction or a salvation for the NHS during COVID-19? (Health Europa, June 2020)
The innovation lottery: Upgrading the spread of innovation in the NHS (IPPR, June 2020)
Working remotely
How to embed flexible working for nurses (NHS Employers, August 2020)
Thinking about working from home long-term? 3 ways it could be good or bad for your health (The Conversation, July 2020)
The Wandering Mind At Work: How To Go From Distraction To Deep Work (Forbes, July 2020)