This post contains all of the articles in the August 2019 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Elective Care Transformation Programme Handbooks (NHS England, June 2019)
Making data count (NHS Improvement, July 2019)
Strength and balance quality markers, Supporting improvement through audit (Public Health England & National Falls Prevention Coordination Group, July 2019)
Pharmacist-led telephone triage system reduces face-to-face contacts for urgent on the day appointments by over 50% (North London Partners, July 2019)
Making the right choices: Using data-driven technology to transform mental healthcare (Reform, July 2019)
Closing the digital gap: Shaping the future of UK healthcare (Deloitte, June 2019)
Telephone or internet delivered talking therapy can alleviate irritable bowel symptoms (NIHR Signal, June 2019)
Developing a Digital Health Advisor for Patients with Complex Needs (Commonwealth Fund, June 2019)
Oxford trial GameChange using virtual reality for mental health therapy (Oxford Mail, June 2019)
Patients’ views of wearable devices and AI in healthcare: findings from the ComPaRe e-cohort (NPJ Digital Medicine, June 2019)
UTI home-testing app to help women trialled by NHS (BBC, July 2019)
Parkinson's disease: 'Smartwatch' tracker monitors patients at home (BBC, July 2019)
Kidney condition detected in minutes by app (BBC, August 2019)
Thousands at risk of type 2 diabetes to be offered wearable tech (Guardian, August 2019)
Patient Experience & Engagement
Involving the public in decision-making about large-scale changes to health services: A scoping review (Health Policy, May 2019)
2018 Adult Inpatient Survey (CQC, June 2019)
How can we use online patient feedback to improve quality in healthcare? (Point of Care Foundation, June 2019) click here for INQUIRE resource
The transformative power of patient narratives in healthcare education (BMJ, July 2019)
Shared medical appointments and patient-centered experience: a mixed-methods systematic review (BMC Family Practice, July 2019)
Efficiency & Planning
A challenge to all. A primer on inter-country differences of high-need, high-cost patients (PLOS ONE, June 2019)
A citizen-led approach to health and care: Lessons from the Wigan Deal (Kings Fund, June 2019)
The Real Story of Winter 2018/19 (NHS Providers, June 2019)
Developing a framework of quality indicators for healthcare business cases: a qualitative document analysis consolidating insight from expert guidance and current practice (BMC Health Services Research, June 2019)
The Long Term Plan Implementation Framework (NHS England, June 2019)
The NHS Patient Safety Strategy (NHS Improvement, July 2019)
Outpatients: Snapshot of a year (Nuffield Trust, July 2019)
Podcast: Transforming the ambulance service across the four nations (Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, July 2019)
The Future of Care: How the nation wants to age (Caterplus, July 2019)
Emergency admissions to hospital from care homes: how often and what for? (Health Foundation, July 2019)
Better patient information, better patient outcomes: the role of health libraries (Kings Fund, July 2019)
To keep people safe we need to have a good argument (Kings Fund, July 2019)