This post contains all of the articles in the April 2021 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
The role of improvement during the response to COVID-19: insights from the Q community (The Health Foundation, March 2021)
Quality improvement report: setting up a hospital at night service, limitations of bleep filtering and using an electronic task management system (BMJ Open Quality, March 2021)
Impact of a blended curriculum on nursing handover quality: a quality improvement project (BMJ Open Quality, March 2021)
Learning health systems using data to drive healthcare improvement and impact: a systematic review (BMC Health Services Research, March 2021)
Opportunities to enhance ward audit: a multi-site qualitative study (BMC Health Services Research, March 2021)
A qualitative study of organisational response to national quality standards for 7-day services in English hospitals (BMC Health Services Research, March 2021)
Creating a culture of quality: our experience with providing feedback to frontline hospitalists (BMJ Open Quality, March 2021)
Driving quality improvement with a massive open online course (MOOC) (BMJ Open Quality, March 2021)
Acting on feedback from national clinical audits: NHS staff describe their motivations and the barriers to engaging with the data (National Institute for Health Research, March 2021)
Innovation will boost south-west England’s post-COVID economy (UK Research and Innovation, March 2021)
Quality and safety in the time of Coronavirus: design better, learn faster (International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2021)
Strengthening citizenship: A healthcare improvement priority (Future Healthcare Journal, March 2021)
The contribution of political skill to the implementation of health services change: a systematic review and narrative synthesis (BMC Health Services Research, March 2021)
COVID-19 & Strategy
State of health and care: The NHS Long Term Plan after Covid-19 (Institute for Public Policy Research, March 2021)
Recover, Reward, Renew: A post-pandemic plan for the healthcare workforce (Institute for Public Policy Research, March 2021)
Pressure points in the NHS (British Medical Association, March 2021)
Six lessons the UK should have learned, one year on from its first lockdown (The Conversation, March 2021)
The health and social care White Paper explained (The Kings Fund, March 2021)
How the NHS is funded – updated (The Kings Fund, March 2021)
Patient Involvement
Implementing online patient feedback in a ‘special measures’ acute hospital: A case study using Normalisation Process Theory (Digital Health, March 2021)
NHS appointment letters shouldn't make you feel confused, worried or anxious (download link) (Healthwatch West Sussex, March 2021)
Virtual clinics are reassuring but sometimes daunting (BMJ, March 2021)
Creativity in public involvement, supporting authentic collaboration and inclusive research with seldom heard voices (BMC - Research Involvement and Engagement, March 2021)
Patient - partner engagement at the Centre de recherche du CHUS in the Province of Quebec, Canada, from an intuitive methodology to outreach after three years of implementation (BMC - Research Involvement and Engagement, March 2021)
Patient Experience Research Collection (National Institute for Health Research, March 2021)
Securing a positive health care technology legacy from Covid-19 (The Health Foundation, March 2021)
Digital inclusion – how have things changed during Covid 19? (Age UK, March 2021)
The data divide, public attitudes to tackling social and health inequalities in the Covid - 19 pandemic and beyond (Ada Lovelace Institute, March 2021)
How health data have been used during covid - 19, and whether the changes are here to stay (BMJ, March 2021)
Pandemic shows how ‘digital by default’ government services exclude those who need them most (The Conversation, March 2021)
Usability of electronic health record systems in UK EDs (Emergency Medicine Journal, March 2021)
Will social media banish the bleep? An analysis of hospital pager activity and instant messaging patterns (BMJ Open Quality, March 2021)
Digital games, apps and e-therapy show promise for helping children manage obesity, anxiety and other long-term conditions (National Institute for Health Research, March 2021)
Technology may underpin primary care of the future (Life Sciences, March 2021)
The Top 10 Apps Globally To Keep Your Health in Check (Heath Tech Digital, March 2021)
NHS needs ‘smart digital foundations’ to support population health priorities (Digital Health, March 2021)
Wellbeing & Virtual Working
The other pandemic: the impact of Covid-19 on Britain’s mental health (Public First, March 2021)
NHS Wellbeing Guardians (NHS Employers, March 2021)
Finding the space to slow down (The Kings Fund, March 2021)
How to deal with a year of accumulated burnout from working at home (The Conversation, March 2021)
How to run virtual events: a guide to running successful online events (Comms2point0, March 2021)