This post contains all of the articles in the October 2022 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality improvement
Reducing time to admission in emergency department patients: a cross-functional quality improvement project (BMJ Open Quality, September 22)
‘Show me the data!’ Using time series to display performance data for hospital boards (BMJ Quality & Safety, September 22)
A quality improvement initiative for patient knowledge comprehension during the discharge procedure using a novel computer-generated patient-tailored discharge document in cardiology (Digital Health, September 22)
Co-producing quality improvements in health and social care (Picker Institute, September 22)
Developing catalyst films of health experiences: an analysis of a robust multi-stakeholder involvement journey (Research Involvement and Engagement, July 22)
Building an organisational culture of continuous improvement (The Health Foundation, September 22)
Developing learning health systems in the UK: Priorities for action (The Health Foundation, September 22)
How to make change happen in general practice (The King's Fund, August 22)
Integrated care
Adult social care provider partnerships in integrated care systems (Care Provider Alliance, August 22)
A guide to the Health and Care Act 2022 (NHS Providers, August 22)
Building capacity and capability for improvement in adult social care (The King’s Fund, August 22)
Interoperability is more than technology: the role of culture and leadership in joined-up care (The King's Fund, September 22)
Patients & people
Understanding patient partnership in health systems: lessons from the Canadian patient partner survey (BMJ Open, August 22)
Social media for consumer engagement: co-creating guidance for hospitals, service providers and consumers (International Journal of Qualitative Methods, September 22)
Patient-initiated follow-up: will it free up capacity in outpatient care? (Nuffield Trust, August 22)
How we did it: Poverty Truth Commission (New Local, September 22)
Public perceptions of health and social care (The Health Foundation, September 22)
NHS strategy & performance
Bringing hospital care home: Virtual Wards and Hospital at Home for older people (British Geriatrics Society, August 2022)
People first: A response from health and care leaders to the urgent and emergency care system crisis (Care Quality Commission, September 22)
Why is large scale change to health service delivery difficult?: the case of the 2019 NHS Plan (Discover Health Systems, September 22)
Ipsos Global Health Service Monitor 2022 (Ipsos, September 22)
NHS Green planning- how is the public sector focussing on sustainability and ESG issues, and what does this mean for private hospitals, clinics and technology providers (Lexology, August 22)
Rising living costs, the impact on NHS, staff and patients (NHS Providers, September 22)
How much is Covid-19 to blame for growing NHS waiting times? (Nuffield Trust, September 22)
Patient-initiated follow-up: will it free up capacity in outpatient care? (Nuffield Trust, August 22)
Reimagining Health: A Framing Paper (King’s Fund, September 22)
Where does the buck stop? Understanding accountabilities and structures in the national health and care system in England (The King's Fund, August 22)
Population health & prevention
Barriers and opportunities: improving access to mental health support for refugees and people seeking asylum (British Red Cross, September 22)
Rehabilitation, recovery and reducing health inequity: easing the pain (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, September 22)
Fuel poverty, cold homes and health inequalities in the UK (Institute of Health Equity, September 22)
Life Changing Care: The role, gaps and solutions in providing social care to people experiencing homelessness (St Mungo’s, August 2022)
The continuing impact of COVID-19 on health and inequalities (The Health Foundation, August 22)
Quantifying health inequalities in England (The Health Foundation, August 22)
If integrated care cannot tackle inclusion health, we should all be worried (The King’s Fund, September 22)
What can England learn from the professionalisation of care workers in other countries? (Nuffield Trust, September 22)
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s cultural journey continues (Picker Institute, September 22)
There is no community without people: the staffing challenges facing community health services and how we can address them (The Community Network, August 22)
Health and care workforce in Europe: time to act (World Health Organization, September 22)
Technology & data
Home-based digital health technologies for older adults to self-manage multiple chronic conditions: A data-informed analysis of user engagement from a longitudinal trial (Digital Health, September 22)
Patient and clinician experiences of remote consultation during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: A service evaluation (Digital Health, August 22)
“Staying at Home”: A pivotal trial of telemedicine-based internal medicine hospitalization at a nursing home (Digital Health, September 22)
The economic impact of digital inclusion in the UK (Good Things Foundation, August 22)
Digital health care across the UK: where are we now? (Nuffield Trust, August 22)