This post contains all of the articles in the May 2023 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality improvement
NHS Delivery and Continuous Improvement Review: Recommendations (NHS England, April 2023)
Effectiveness of quality improvement collaboratives in UK surgical settings and barriers and facilitators influencing their implementation: a systematic review and evidence synthesis (BMJ Open Quality, April 2023)
Dementia Palliative Care Service, Service Improvement & Delivery Toolkit ‘How To Guide’ (Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS FT, April 2023)
Public Reporting of Hospital Quality Measures Has Not Led to Overall Quality Improvement: Evidence from Germany (Health Affairs, April 2023)
NELFT Quality Improvement Services Quality Improvement Handbook & QI Resources (NELFT, April 2023)
Urgent and Emergency Care Improvement Guide to Contact Hubs for Primary, Ambulance and Clinical Calls (NHS England, April 2023)
Urgent and Emergency Care Improvement Guide to Direct Access (NHS England, April 2023)
Urgent and Emergency Care Improvement Guide Same Day Emergency Care Flow (NHS England, April 2023)
Urgent and Emergency Care Improvement Guide Same Day Emergency Care Pathways (NHS England, April 2023)
Urgent and Emergency Care Improvement Guide Specialty Support to the Urgent and Emergency Care Pathway/Internal Professional Standards (NHS England, April 2023)
Expanded role of nurses in Swiss nursing homes and their engagement in quality improvement: A cross-sectional study (Nursing Open, April 2023)
Five principles for implementing the NHS Impact approach to improvement in England (The Health Foundation, April 2023)
Integrated care
Time to act, a roadmap to reform care and support in England (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, April 2023)
Next steps to put people at the heart of care, a plan for adult social care system reform 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025 (Department of Health and Social Care, April 2023)
The Hewitt Review: An Independent Review of Integrated Care Systems (Department of Health and Social Care, April 2023)
From Delegation to Integration: Lessons from Early Delegation of Primary Pharmacy, Ophthalmology and Dentistry Commissioning to Integrated Care Boards (NHS Confederation, April 2023)
Actions to support partnership - Addressing barriers to working with the VCSE sector in integrated care systems (The Kings Fund, April 2023)
The role of regions in health and care: What can be done between systems and the centre? (The Kings Fund, April 2023)
Patients & people
‘It feels like being seen’ How can Local Authorities know if their Mental Health services are working well? (Centre for Mental Health, April 2023)
Measuring Patient Experience and Patient Satisfaction—How Are We Doing It and Why Does It Matter? A Comparison of European and U.S. American Approaches (Healthcare, March 2023)
Removing barriers to shared decision-making A co-production project in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB (Patient Information Forum, The Patients Association, April 2023)
NHS strategy & performance
The role of payment reform in influencing Accident and Emergency Department attendances: variation across Clinical Commissioning Groups (Centre for Health Economics, University of York, April 2023)
NHS Data - Maximising its impact for all (Imperial College London, April 2023)
Waiting for Prosperity: Modelling the Economic Benefits of Reducing Elective Waiting Lists in the NHS (Institute for Public Policy Research, April 2023)
Looking outward, international lessons for health system reform (Reform, April 2023)
The Rise and Decline of the NHS in England 2000–20: How Political Failure Led to the Crisis in the NHS and Social Care (The King's Fund, April 2023)
Population health & prevention
Impacts of air pollution across the life course – evidence highlight note (Imperial College London, April 2023)
Tackling obesity: Improving policy making on food and health (Institute for Government, April 2023)
Healthy people, prosperous lives: The first interim report of the IPPR Commission on Health and Prosperity (IPPR, April 2023)
The power of data to transform population health (Reform, April 2023)
Black Maternal Health (Women and Equalities Committee, April 2023)
Technology & data
How Primary Care Physicians Experience Telehealth: An International Comparison (Commonwealth Fund, April 2023)
Effectively Embedding Digital in Your Trust (NHS Providers, April 2023)
The NHS COVID app is closing down – here’s where it succeeded and where it went wrong (The Conversation, April 2023)