This post contains all of the articles in the April 2023 QI Evidence Update. These are searchable using the search bar.
Quality improvement
Development and implementation of a centralized surveillance infection prevention program in a multi-facility health system: A quality improvement project (Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology, March 2023)
Implementation through translation: a qualitative case study of translation processes in the implementation of quality improvement collaboratives (BMC Health Services Research, March 2023)
Improving heart failure care with an Experience-Based Co-Design approach: what matters to persons with heart failure and their family members? (BMC Health Services Research, March 2023)
Continuing the quality improvement of an electronic personal health record and interactive website for people with diabetes in Scotland (Diabetic Medicine, March 2023)
Perspectives of hospital pharmacists on quality improvement initiatives in patient care: A pilot study from one healthcare system in Canada (Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, March 2023)
Quality improvement initiative to optimize heart failure treatment in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (Heart Rhythm O2, March 2023)
The Intricate Relationship of Employee Engagement and Lean Approach toward Quality Improvement of the Public Hospitals (Hospital Topics, March 2023)
Hospital-acquired E. coli bacteraemia at a large UK NHS Trust. A return towards baseline following implementation of a 5-year quality improvement programme (Infection Prevention in Practice, March 2023)
Applying a new approach to the governance of healthcare quality at board level (International Journal of Health Governance, March 2023)
Reducing Avoidable Emergency Visits and Hospitalizations with Patient Risk-Based Prescriptive Analytics: A Quality Improvement Project at an Oncology Care Model Practice (JCO Oncology Practice, March 2023)
Leading for High Reliability During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Quality Improvement Initiative to Identify Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned (Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, March 2023)
The development and evaluation of a vaccination pathway for children with intellectual and developmental disability and needle fear (Paediatric & Neonatal Pain, March 2023)
Changing prescribing practice for rapid tranquillization-a quality improvement project based on the Plan-Do-Study-Act method (Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, March 2023)
Integrated care
Exploring the implementation and evaluation of a distributed leadership model within a Scottish, integrated health and care context (BMJ Leader, March 2023)
Transforming Integrated Care in the Community (TICC) (Health and Europe Centre, March 2023)
Integrated Care Systems: Autonomy and Accountability (Health and Social Care Select Committee, March 2023)
The Evolution of Provider Collaboration (NHS Confederation, March 2023)
Maximising the Benefits of Research: Guidance for Integrated Care Systems (NHS England, March 2023)
Supporting clinicians to address health inequalities in practice (Royal College of Physicians, March 2023)
Social care 360 (The Kings Fund, March 2023)
Patients & people
Measuring Patient Experience and Patient Satisfaction—How Are We Doing It and Why Does It Matter? A Comparison of European and U.S. American Approaches (Healthcare, March 2023)
Empowering Patients With a Shared Communication Tool: A Patient-Oriented Multimethods Pilot Study (Journal of Patient Experience, March 2023)
NHS strategy & performance
A decade after Francis: is the NHS safer and more open? (BMJ, March 2023)
Productivity of the English National Health Service: 2020/21 update (Centre for Health Economics, March 2023)
Reducing waiting lists by repurposing a Nightingale hospital into a protected elective centre (NHS Confederation, March 2023)
The Leading Integration Peer Support Programme: Using peer review to strengthen clinical and care professional leadership arrangements within Gloucestershire (NHS Confederation, March 2023)
NHS Staff Survey 2022 (NHS Employers, March 2023)
Why are delayed discharges from hospital increasing? Seeing the bigger picture (The Health Foundation, March 2023)
Public satisfaction with the NHS and social care in 2022 (The Kings Fund, March 2023)
Population health & prevention
Exploring Perceptions of Green Social Prescribing among Clinicians and the Public (Department of Health and Social Care, March 2023)
National green social prescribing delivery capacity assessment: final report (Department of Health and Social Care, March 2023)
Tackling poverty and the cost of food (NHS Confederation, March 2023)
Racism is the root cause of ethnic inequalities in health (Race Equality Foundation, March 2023)
Making Health for All Policies: Harnessing the co-benefits of health (World Health Organization, March 2023)
Technology & data
eHealth Use on Acute Inpatient Mental Health Units: Implementation Processes, Common Practices, and Barriers to Use (Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, March 2023)
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: reimagining medicines information for patients (Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network, March 2023)
Technology enabled lives: Delivering outcomes for people and providers (TEC Action Alliance, March 2022)
Design and Integration of a Texting Tool to Keep Patients’ Family Members Updated During Hospitalization: Clinicians’ Perspectives (Technology and Digital Innovations in Patient Experience, March 2023)
Moving from exclusion to inclusion in digital health and care (The Kings Fund, March 2023)